




1.吉利根 ... Kohlberg 柯柏格 Gilpgan 季丽淦 Baumrind 鲍伦德 ...

7.莉根姬莉根Gilpgan)、诺丁(Noddings)、特朗托(Tronto)、波瓦(Veavoir)思想 教育哲学 后殖民主义 生态道德教育 儿童 …


1.Other thinkers associated with the movement include Mary Daly, Susan Griffin, Andrea Dworkin, and Carol Gilpgan, to name only a few.如果仅列举几位参与到这场运动中的其他思想家,有玛丽·黛莉、苏珊·格瑞芬、安德丽·德沃金和卡罗·吉里根。

2.He quickly transformed it into a magician's playground with a Gilpgan's Island vibe.他迅速的将该岛转变为一个魔术师的具有Gilpgan岛屿感觉的游乐场。

3.You could simply have left the area of the club but you chose to return and stab Paul Gilpgan.你本可以简单的离开那里,但你选择了回去并刺伤PaulGilpgan。

4.He added: "This was a senseless and unprovoked murder which has devastated Paul Gilpgan's family. "他补充说:”这是一桩愚蠢且无缘由的谋杀,同时还毁坏了PaulGilpgan一家的幸福。“

5.Her notions of romance were pke Gilpgan's Island: "as primitive as can be. " They fell somewhere between Snow White and Nancy Drew.帕蒂对罗曼司的看法就好比盖里甘岛:“要多原始就有多原始”,她的性意识正处在白雪公主和神探蛛儿之间。

6.Well, I'm looking into a guy called Gilpgan. Just take my phone calls.好吧,我正在调查一个叫吉利根的家伙。给我打电话。

7.In Meeting at the Crossroads, Lyn Mikel Brown and Carol Gilpgan documented a crisis of connection in girls approaching adolescence.在《在十字路口相遇》一书中,莲·迈克·布朗和卡罗尔·吉利根借助相关材料证明了接近青春期的女孩们身上存在着一种关系危机。

8.Ramsden left the bar, but returned seconds later and stabbed Gilpgan, then ran away.Ramsden在离开酒吧后返回,几分钟后突然刺伤了Gilpgan,随后逃跑。

9.Backpackers Judith Payne and James Gilpgan both from England faced six years in jail for possessing half a kilo of dope.从英国来的朱蒂斯佩恩与詹姆士因携带半公斤的毒品而面临六年监禁。

10.I've a message for you from John Gilpgan.约翰•吉利根要我捎个信息给你。