




1.下一步 “Next Step进入下一步: “Complet order” 提交账单: ...

3.下一步工作 ... Interest 引起客户兴趣 Next step 预定下次见面时间,或安排下一步工作 Industry knowledge 行业知识,展 …

6.进行下一步 ... gender: 性别 “NEXT STEP进行下一步。 Card Number: 卡号 ...

7.下一步装置 ... Neutron wall loading( 中子壁负载) Next step( 下一步装置) ...

8.下一步规划 ... - 供电设施情况 - Power equipment - 下一步规划 - Next step - 2个 在马里 - 2 projects in Map in Africa ...


1.If the parties cannot agree on an informal resolution, then the next step is often to start court proceedings.如果争端双方不能达成非正式解决方案,则下一步通常是启动法院诉讼程序。

2.The country has not been seen as ready to take the next step in terms of governance.看来,印度尼西亚在治理方面尚不具备步入下一阶段的条件。

3.The next step is to make the camera in your animation pne up with the camera you used for your video shoot.下一步是将3D动画中的摄像机与视频中使用的摄像机对齐。

4.Yeah. And the next step might be to test whether the extent to which you feel comfortable socially helps lessen the pain of rejection.是的,而且下一步可以是去测试你在社交中感到的舒适度的程度能否帮助你减少被拒绝的痛苦。

5.The next step was the lengthy process of turning parts of the system off and on to see what made a difference.接下来一个漫长的过程开始了,他们把系统的各个部分逐一打开、关闭,看看前后有何区别。

6.The next step in the cycle is to transition the Business Analysis model into a Design Solution Architecture model.周期的下一个步骤是将BusinessAnalysis(业务分析)模型转变为DesignSolutionArchitecture(设计解决方案架构)模型。

7.The next step raises the bar, or at least the hands, a bit higher. Now show your entire hand above the surface of the water.下一阶段,你可以举些轻物或再抬高你的双臂,使双臂完全抬出水面。

8.Time passed with no sign of the boy's parents, so the next step was to call for a patrol car to take him to headquarters.过了很长时间,也没看见他父母的影子,所以我就准备打电话叫辆巡逻车将他送回总部去。

9.The U. S. bank is also considering buying a stake in a Chinese bank as its next step, when China relaxes pmits on ownership, he said.这家美国银行也在考虑下一步,当中国放宽对所有权的限制时,收购中资银行的股份,他说。

10.Once you've decided to do something, and decided that you will focus, the next step is to take action.一旦你已经决定了你想要做的事,一旦你决定了你想要专注于这就件事,那么接下来你要做的就是采取行动。