




1.街童 ... 街头访问 street interviews 街童 street kids 街头小食档 street stands ...

2.街头流浪儿监护人,又因故离开家庭或机构,无处可去的少年;3.街头流浪儿street kids):长期逃家或无家可归而以街头为家的少年…

3.街头少年(High Fashion)、以及纽约的精致成衣,街头顽童Street Kids)起家的伦敦设计师如Vivienne Westwood,疯狂搞怪的本 …


1.Getting over his shyness, De Niro hung out with the street kids and gangs from his neighborhood throughout most of his years as a teenager.为了克服自己害羞的性格,少年时期的德尼罗大部分时间里都跟社区里街上的孩子们泡在一起。

2.Mishra says Salaam Baalak, one of a number of groups helping street kids in India, serves about 3, 000 children a year.Mishra指出作为印度帮助流浪儿童的社会组织之一,SalaamBaalak一年大约能服务3千名孩子。

3.Miss Dakar: The children you'll be teaching are street kids. They've had rough pves.达卡:你要教的孩子都是流浪街头的小朋友。他们的命都不太好。

4.CNN: What are some of the challenges you and your group encounter when working with street kids?在解救流浪儿童时,你和你的同事们都遇到过一些什么样的挑战呢?

5.They said, "It's not possible for many street kids, working class children, to benefit from pubpc education. "他们认为很多街头小孩、工薪阶层的孩子是无法从公共教育中受益的。

6.Most were street kids using it to escape the cycle of drugs and violence.大多数是用它来逃避毒品和暴力的街头小子。

7.They are known as Brazil street kids.他们是我们所知的巴西街童。

8.If you are the mayor of a city, what will you do for the street kids and the homeless people?如果你是一个市长,你将为街头流浪儿和无家可归的做点儿什么?

9.Teaching street kids they could use their hands to build.教那些街头小混混明白可以用自己的双手自食其力。

10.CNN: Who are Vietnam's street kids?越南流浪儿童都是一些什么样的孩子?