




1.尤利娅 ... 和《审判之城 The City of Judgment》 2-尤莉娅 Yupa 3-尤拉克 Jurak ...

3.尤利亚 Yolanda 尤兰妲 Yupa 尤丽亚 Tania 塔妮亚 ...

5.尤丽塔 YUKIKO (这我就不会翻成日文了) YULIA 尤丽塔 YULIANA 尤里安娜 ...

6.尤丽娅 Yolanda 尤兰达 Yupa 尤丽娅 Yolonda 尤郎达 ...

7.纸艺设计作品 Sub-studio 礼卡、图饰设计店家 YULIA 纸艺设计作品 kapitza 剪影设计作品 ...


1.Yupa: Oh yes . . . One girl cut her hand and wrote with her blood on the wall: "I love you, I'll die without you" .噢,是的————一个女孩割了自己的手并在墙上写到:“我爱你,没有你我会死。”

2."This isn't a solution, but a way of putting off the solution until later, " concludes Yupa Latynina, a poptical commentator.政治评论家拉提尼纳的结论是“这并不是解决方案,而只是把解决方案推迟到晚些时候公布的一种方式”。

3.During the recent presidential election in Ukraine, Yupa Tymoshenko campaigned with a $500m Chinese loan for infrastructure projects.最近在乌克兰总统选举期间,尤利娅•季莫申科(YupaTymoshenko)将中国在基础设施项目上的5亿美元贷款作为竞选卖点。

4.Yupa and Lena, the two teens from Moscow used to sing together in a kids-band called "Neposedi" .尤丽亚和丽娜这两个来自莫斯科的少女曾经在一个名叫“Neposedi”的儿童乐队里一起演唱。

5.Any potential progress was also hampered by constant squabbles with his former Orange ally, then Prime Minister Yupa Tymoshenko.在他与橙色革命时的盟友,前总理尤利娅·季莫申科之间的不休争吵中,仅有的一点进展也停滞不前了。

6.Just consider Yupa Tymoshenko, the recently elected Ukrainian prime minister ousted from that same position a few years ago.想想最近当选为乌克兰总理的尤利娅-季莫申科(YupaTimoshenko),她在几年前被解除这一职务。

7.The two countries' prime ministers, Vladimir Putin and Yupa Tymoshenko, signed a formal agreement in Moscow on gas prices and direct sales.两国首相,弗拉基米尔•普京和尤利娅•季莫申科(YupaTymoshenko),在莫斯科就供气价格与直接销售签署了一道正式协定。

8.Yupa: Some people have been very unfair to us, and that still hurts.尤丽亚:有的人对我们很不公平,这使我们现在还感觉很受伤。

9.THE arrest of Yupa Tymoshenko, a former prime minister of Ukraine, on August 5th was predictable, but it still came as a nasty surprise.乌克兰前总理尤利娅。季莫申科在8月5日遭到逮捕,虽是意料之中的事,但还是让人颇为震惊。

10.Mr Yushchenko had earper accused the prime minister, Yupa Tymoshenko, of treason for not criticising Russia's attack on Georgia.早些时候,尤申科以叛国罪指责总理尤利娅·季莫申科(YupaTymoshenko),声称季莫申科对俄国攻击格鲁吉亚的行为不予批评。