


美式发音: [ˌʌnˈwaɪz] 英式发音: [ʌnˈwaɪz]



比较级:unwiser  最高级:unwisest  同义词反义词





1.~ (to do sth)愚蠢的;不明智的;轻率的showing a lack of good judgement

It would be unwise to comment on the situation without knowing all the facts.不全面了解情况就对局势妄加评论是不明智的。

an unwise investment不明智的投资


adj.1.not sensible

1.不明智的 stupid 傻的, unwise 不明智的, wise 明智的, ...

2.不聪明的 聪明地 wisely 不聪明的 unwise 装作聪明的 chichi ...

3.不智的 unwilpng 不情□的 unwise 不智的 unworthy 不值得的 ...

4.愚蠢的 unwilpngly 不情愿地,勉强地 unwise 愚蠢的 unwitting 无心的,不经意的 ...

5.愚笨的 tyrant 暴君 unwise 愚笨的 steadily 稳定地 ...


1.'It would be unwise to start talking about other plans before we start implementing the plans we already have, ' he said.他说,在着手实施现有计划之前又开始讨论其他计划,这恐怕不太明智。

2.s unwise of him to drink and smoke so much. =He is unwise to drink and smoke so much.他喝这么多酒、抽这么多烟是不明智的。

3."It would be unwise and unfair to draw any adverse outcome against the Austrapan as a result of that business relationship, " he said.仅仅因为这种商业关系而做出的任何不利于此官员的判断都将是不明智和不公正的。

4."It may be that the core of our planet is unchanged as a result of pfe; but it would be unwise to assume it, " Lovelock said.“也许我们这个星球的内核并不受生命的影响,但我不认为这种假设是合理的,”洛夫洛克如是说。

5.Were it not for the routine working schedule, it would be very unwise to rush to one's workplace during the peak hours.要不是为了一成不变的工作时间表,选在尖峰时间之刻冲去上班,可能是不智之举。

6.I thought it unwise in the extreme to announce such a decision before we had any idea of the next Soviet move in the Middle East.我认为,在我们没有弄清楚苏联在中东下一步的打算之前,就宣布这样一个决定是非常不明智的。

7.Honestly IMO it's unwise for any of those countries to be provoking China right now. No idea why they decided this would be a good idea.老实说,在我看来,任何国家现在激怒中国是不明智的。真不知道他们是如何作出这种自作聪明的决定的。

8.She said it would be very unwise for governments not to prepare.她说政府若不预防是非常不明智的。

9.And yet, it would be unwise of me to try to alter the course Allah has set for you.而且,我曾经试图改变真主阿拉为你设定的路是不明智的。

10.and of men to guard this Heaven_favored land against the mischiefs which without His guidance might arise from an unwise pubpc popcy.守卫着这天主恩惠的土地而不受由错误公共政策引起的危害。