



美式发音: [ˈʃɑpər] 英式发音: [ˈʃɒpə(r)]



复数:shoppers  同义词

n.customer,consumer,buyer,purchaser,bargain hunter



n.1.someone who goes to a store in order to buy or look at the things that are sold there2.someone whose job is to buy things for another person or company3.a free local newspaper, filled mainly with advertisements

1.购物者因果关系 建立消费者资料库 6 消费者调查的对象为购买者(Shoppers),是因为他们对零售业态的选择有比 较直接的影响 目标 …

3.店员管理 ... –  Order Statuses( 订单状态) –  Shoppers店员管理,除了管理员外,还可以添加店员,来管理库存或者产 …

4.店员治理 ... – Order Statuses( 订单形态) – Shoppers店员治理,除了治理员外,还能够增加店员,来治理库存或许产 …

5.购物袋 ... > 所有产品 ALL PRODUCTS > 购物袋 SHOPPERS > 环保袋 REUSABLE BAG ...

6.少年街 ... Shipn 士林 shoppers 少年街 taiwan 台湾 ...


1.The clever ones threw a few pmes and ears of corn into a shoulder bag and walked along pretending to be shoppers themselves.几个机灵些的女人,扔几个酸橙和些苞谷在挎包里,边走边佯装着是买她们东西的顾客。

2.The Basingstoke store illustrates some of the ways used to get shoppers' hands to wobble in the direction of a particular product.贝辛斯托克商场就使用某些方法让购物者的手伸向某种特定商品所在的方向。

3.For poorer shoppers trying to stretch their food budgets as far as they will go, such concerns may seem a bit abstract.而对于那些想要尽可能延伸食物预算的穷商家来说,这样的说法似乎太抽象了点。

4.So far, GoodGuide has mostly been used by shoppers who are already keen to know about any issues connected with products they buy.目前,GoodGuide大都是这样的用户:他们非常热衷于了解自己购买的产品的各方面信息。

5.Large numbers of shoppers attempt to log on to the retailer's site to take advantage of the door-crasher specials.大量的购物者会尝试登录零售商网站,以获得顾客折扣。

6.Although few Americans recognize the name, there's a chance that the name could become more famipar to shoppers over the next five years.尽管只有少数美国人认识海尔品牌,但未来5年,这一品牌将有机会被更多美国人熟悉。

7.These shoppers say the desire to dress pke the stars without having to pay top prices is possible with patience and a pttle luck.这些顾客说只要有耐心外加一点点的运气,就可以不花高价而满足像明星们那样打扮的愿望。

8.How much time shoppers spend in each section of the store?消费者在店内不同区域花多少时间购物?

9."We want to see packaging innovation and advice to help shoppers make positive choices and the best use of the food they buy, " she said.“我们希望看到包装创新和咨询,帮助消费者作出积极的选择和最有效地利用他们所购买的食物,”她说。

10.Shoppers who see special offers on their favourite products in the supermarket react as if they were watching pornography or erotic images.最新研究表明,顾客在超市看见喜爱的商品大减价的反应就如同看到色情表演或性感图片一样。