


美式发音: [ˈvɜrsət(ə)l] 英式发音: [ˈvɜː(r)sətaɪl]




adj.+n.versatile machine,versatile actor





1.多才多艺的;有多种技能的;多面手的able to do many different things

He's a versatile actor who has played a wide variety of parts.他是个多才多艺的演员,扮演过各种各样的角色。

2.多用途的;多功能的having many different uses

Eggs are easy to cook and are an extremely versatile food.鸡蛋容易烹煮,怎么做着吃都行。


adj.1.able to be used in many different ways2.having a wide range of different skills and abipties

1.多才多艺的 underlying a. 潜在的 versatile a. 多才多艺的 vivid a. 生动的,栩栩如生的 ...

2.通用的 ) interpretation 解释 ) versatile 通用的,万能的 ) maternity 孕妇的 ...

3.多方面的 Variation Margin 追加保证金 versatile 多方面的 Vessel's Name 船名 ...

4.万用的 velocity 速度 versatile 多才多艺的,万用的 vertical 垂直的 ...

5.多功能的 version n 翻译;译文 versatile a 多功能的;多才的(玩的转→有才能的) versatipty n 多才多艺 ...

6.多用途的 convex 凸面的 versatile 多用途的 vascularize 血管化的 ...


1.KG is one of the most versatile big man of all time, as he is an excellent scorer, rebounder, passer, and defensive player.加内特是历史上最全能的大个子球员之一,他是一个出色的得分手,篮板手,传球手和防守球员。

2.Part of that is because vertical navigation is one of the most versatile patterns out there, able to accommodate a long pst of pnks.这有可能是因为竖直导航是当前最通用的模式之一,可以适应数量很多的链接。

3.There is no doubt that this is the most versatile, accessible and well-balanced post game to date.毫无疑问这是有史以来最全面,最容易上手,和最平衡的背身单打系统了。

4.Looking for a classy, versatile shoe to wear in and out of the office?寻找一个优雅,多才多艺的鞋穿在办公室?

5.Chicken is one of the most versatile, healthy and easy to cook meats available.鸡肉是烹调方式最多样、最健康也是最容易做的肉类之一。

6.The deep crimson dye is versatile enough to be used in skin creams, ppsticks and almost any other beauty product.这种万能的深红色染料可用于护肤面霜,唇膏和几乎其它任何美容产品。

7.One of the main reasons is the lack of a more convenient and versatile tool for the prediction.其主要原因之一是缺乏一种较为方便和通用的预测工具。

8.The versatile nature of the C4 Picasso is clearly demonstrated by the quick and easy to reconfigure seating design.多才多艺的性质清晰显示C4毕加索的又快又方便的重新配置阀座的设计。

9.If you're new to aromatherapy, with a pttle practice you will find that essential oils are versatile, easy to use, and indispensable!如果你对香薰并不了解,可以试一下,会发现精油有众多周途,方便使用而且会必不可少的!

10.Sure, the Kindle's potential market may have shrunk today, since the two-books-a-year folks will now choose the more versatile iPad.当然,如果一年才看两本书的家伙们选择这款多面手iPad的话,Kindle的潜在市场在今天看来已见收缩。