

Singapore River

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1.新加坡河 ... 最新评论 2013年5月22日 Joiade Goa Riverside Resort 新加坡的 Singapore River 餐馆 Cafe Haas ...

4.新加坡河口尾狮雕像,原本伫立在浮尔顿旅馆边角的小突堤,座落於新加坡河口Singapore River),也就是马来王子 Sang Nila Utama …

5.新加坡河一带年年难过年年过,穷有穷开心。一山是指皇家山(富康宁山,Fort Canning),二水是指新加坡河 (Singapore River) 与梧槽 …

7.沿著新加坡河rke Quay),夜晚时分有不少人会来这里走走,沿著新加坡河Singapore River)边有些餐厅,另外还有一条小吃摊;因为 …


1.Last Sunday, we decided to go for a Singapore River cruise.上个星期天,我们决定去游览新加坡河。

2.The Singapore Stone is a fragment of a large sandstone slab which originally stood at the mouth of the Singapore River.新加坡古石(TheSingaporeStone)是原新加坡河河口一块巨大砂岩板的残片。

3.Barges 3400 meters away from the river, the opening wharfs until 50 years ago, at the beginning of the Singapore river is the busiest ports.驳船码头离河口三四百米,由开埠之初直到50年前,都是新加坡河最繁忙的码头。

4.Singaporecame to a standstill today when Rafa's Reds took advantage of some wellearned rest by taking a cruise down the Singapore River.当拉法所带领的红军利用休息时间进入到新加坡河进行游览时,新加坡都停顿了。

5.Singapore 1819 by opening wharfs, west trade on both sides of the Singapore river is the city-state of virgin land.新加坡1819年以东西贸易开埠,新加坡河的两岸就是这座城邦的处女地。

6.Cannot help but love Singapore River. Along the riverbank, there are beautiful city scenes, lawns, and quiet pubbars. Must take a picture.实在是喜欢新加坡河。两旁有美丽的风景,有大片的绿地,还有幽静的酒吧街。一定要留个影。

7.Spring Festival travel to go to Singapore, to see the beauty of the Singapore river!春节旅游去新加坡,去看看那美丽的新加坡河!

8.Which was the first bridge to be built across the Singapore River?哪一座桥是新加坡河上建的第一座桥?

9.By estuary, winding river walks into five kilometers, is the most colorful today Singapore river three dock.由河口沿河向里走,弯弯曲曲的五公里,是今日新加坡河最多姿多彩的三个码头。

10.brought me to Singapore River to look at lantern.几个星期前,干女儿陪我到新加坡看灯笼。