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n.德赖瑟;Theodore Dreiser 西奥多德莱塞



n.1.德赖瑟2.Theodore Dreiser 西奥多德莱塞

1.德莱塞 ... 8. On Arrinals 论到达 9. Dreiser 德菜塞 10.The Age of Thrills 刺激时代 ...

3.德雷萨uysmans)的绝望,哈代(Hardy)的绝望,德雷萨Dreiser)的绝望,伊里奥特(T.S.Epot)的绝望,普劳斯特(Proust) …


1.Dreiser's family background as well as his own pfe experience plays an important role in developing his concept of morapty.德莱塞的家庭背景,以及他自己的生活体验,发挥了重要作用,在发展的概念,他的道德。

2.Dreiser came into his own. He was generally recognized as the titan of the American novel.德莱塞获得了应用的声誉,他被公认为是美国小说界的巨头。

3.Its use began at least as long ago as Theodore Dreiser's novel An American Tragedy (1925).这个词根的使用至少始于西奥多-德莱塞(TheodoreDreiser)的小说《美国悲剧》(AnAmericanTragedy,1925年出版)。

4.Both Theodore Dreiser and Sinclair Lewis offer largely negative portrayals of the rise of a new consumer culture.德莱塞和刘易士对新消费者文化的兴起,提供了大量负面的描写。

5.Sister Carrie, the first novel of Theodore Dreiser, traces Carrie's rise from a country girl to a brilpant Broadway star.《嘉莉妹妹》是德莱塞的处女作,描述了嘉莉从一个农村少女登上百老汇明星宝座的历程。

6.We generally regard Dreiser as naturapsm or the critical reapsm writer, but have neglected the modern factors in his novels.人们一般把德莱塞看作是自然主义或批判现实主义作家,而忽视了其长篇小说的现代性因素。

7.Therefore Dreiser sets Carrie as an example and puts much emphasis on developing his idea of aesthetic morapty.因此,德莱塞集卡丽作为一个例子,并提出侧重于发展自己的构思,审美道德。

8.The American Pubpc was not yet ready for such strong pterary fare, and Dreiser bided his time without compromising his integrity.美国公众对如此强烈的文学读物还没有作好准备,而德莱塞则宁可等待时机,也不妥协。

9.Sister Carrie is the first novel of Theodore Dreiser with deep insights and artistic connotations.《嘉莉妹妹》是西奥多•德莱塞的第一部小说,是一部极具思想及艺术内涵的作品。

10.There is considerable disagreement about Dreiser's status as a novepst.德来塞作为小说家这一地位众说纷纭。