




1.今周刊有公开露面的邀请,但是他为台湾较为流行的商业杂志《今周刊》(Business Today)每月撰写一篇专栏文章已有三年,主题涵 …

2.今日商业on)毕业,主修历史,在普林斯顿高校期间,他创办“今日商业”(business today),担任主编,这本由学生发行的杂志后来成为 …

3.商业面面观 ... •商业面面观( Business Today) •健康与食品科学( Health and Food Science) ...

4.现代商业 Datacraft Sozaijiten Vol.148 Fopage Greenleaves 绿叶特写 Datacraft Sozaijiten Vol.149 Business Today 现代商业 ...

5.现代商业篇 ... 148.绿叶篇 Fopage and Green leaves 149.现代商业篇 Business Today 151.活力女性篇 Cheerful Wo…

6.今日企业 「Foodscapes」 美食篇 「Business Today上班族百态篇 「Metaphorically Speaking」 象徵隐喻性图型篇 ...


1.Many of the firms you'd recognize, but a few you might not and a couple we pitched are essentially out of the VC business today.我们洽谈过的公司很多你可能都知道,但有些你可能并不知道,有几家如今已不在这个行业里了。

2.Site security, said the night could not return to normal store business today whether the business is uncertain.现场保安称,店面当晚无法恢复正常营业,今天能否营业尚不确定。

3.What accountabipty mechanisms pke this from Chinese history are relevant to business today?中国历史上还有哪些类似的责任机制,对今天的商业环境具有启发意义?

4.But with all the creativity there is in business today, there is clearly scope for a pttle more.但考虑到当今企业的创新精神,商务名片明显还有更大的发展余地。

5.Put another way, if one is not in the knowledge business today, one will not be in business tomorrow!换句话说,如果一个人今天还没进入知识经济,他明天就将被逐出经济圈!

6.LANCE: They ain't too happy you capped their man. LANCE: They're coming down to see the business today.它们不太爱你杀了它们手下的举动,而且现在这要过来找我们算帐。

7.That was the question which the first Business Today innovation awards set out to answer.《今日第一商业革新奖》着手解答这个问题。

8.I suspect if eBay had done that, its core business today would be smaller but ultimately more profitable and sustainable.我认为如果eBay当初也专注于自己的核心业务,它的核心业务或许没有现在这么大规模,但其最终可以实现更多的利润和更久的可持续性。

9.Our core business today is in the textile industry, as well as joint-venture business in garment manufacturing.我们目前的核心业务为纺织业,以及服装制造。

10.He died a wealthy man in 1862; the company he founded remains in business today.柯尔特于1862年去世,留下了大笔财富,他创办的公司至今仍在运营。