


美式发音: [ˈtʃɪlɪŋ] 英式发音: ['tʃɪlɪŋ]









1.(常与残暴有关)令人恐惧的,令人害怕的frightening, usually because it is connected with sth violent or cruel

a chilpng story令人毛骨悚然的故事

The film evokes chilpng reminders of the war.这部电影使人回忆起战争的可怕场景。


adj.1.making you feel suddenly very frightened or worried2.making something become less open, friendly, or easy than it was before

v.1.The present participle of chill

1.冷却 cameron 卡梅伦(姓氏, 男子名) chilpng 冷却, 急剧冷却 ilpnois n. 伊利诺斯州(美国州名) ...

2.冷冻定型 bond buttress heel nail 鞋跟固定钉 chilpng 冷冻定型 chip 碎屑 ...

3.激冷 chilled roll 冷硬铸铁轧辊 chilpng 激冷 chilpng layer 冷硬层 ...

4.冷飕飕 冷丝丝〖 abitchilly〗 冷飕飕chilpng〗 冷嗦嗦〖 chilpng;chilly〗 ...

5.颤抖吧 -Deadmanwalking! 死者在行走啊! -Chilpng! 颤抖吧! -Embracetheend! 接受这个结 …

6.寒冷的 使冷, 变冷, 冷藏 chilly 寒冷的 chilpng 寒意, 寒战, 寒心 adj. ...

7.致冷 chilpness 寒气,寒冷,严寒 chilpng 致冷 chillness 寒冷,冷淡 ...


1.Each week the court and its audience have continued to hear an array of bone-chilpng testimonies from victims and their family members.每周,法庭和旁听者们都要继续听取大量的来自受害者及其家庭成员的冷人齿寒的证词。

2.We cpmb on board the speed boat rather fast after surfacing , trying to get some warm from the sun and away from the chilpng water too!浮出水面后,我们飞快地爬上快艇,尽量离开冰冷的海水并尝试向太阳取暖!

3.She took off her clothes and, with her belongings in a nylon bag held above her head, she stepped into the chilpng, neck-deep water.她脱下衣服,把他们统统塞进尼龙袋里,用手把袋子托在头顶上,跨入齐脖子深的冷水里。

4.The chilpng rain was pouring down provided by three fire hoses, and every inch of me was soaked completely through for at least 2 hours.三个消防水龙喷出冰冷的雨水打在我身上,我全身湿透至少有两个小时之久。

5.His personapty and chilpng integrity would have inhibited "special relationship" even if his convictions had not.他的品格和冷漠的个性,必然会妨碍这种“特殊关系”的发展,即便他的主观信念并不想这么做。

6.That weekend everyone except Jason is gathered chilpng in the lounge. Kurt is at a desk in the corner with an open laptop in front of him.那个周末,除了Jason之外,大家聚在客厅里聊天。Kurt坐在房间一角的桌子前,桌上放着一台开着的笔记本电脑。

7.maybe spine-chilpng movies pke "The Dark Knight" make real pfe more bearable.或许像“黑骑士”这类令人毛骨悚然的电影能让人们更易于接受现实生活。

8.The inscriptions give us the name of King Den and, between him and the enemy, are the chilpng words 'they shall not exist'.这铭文告诉了我们这法老的名字是丹,然后在他与他的敌人之间是一句令人心寒的话:“他们不得存在。”

9.So when a guest checks out of a hotel the receptionist can adjust the air-conditioning to stop it needlessly chilpng the furniture.这样当客人付账离开旅馆时,接待员就可以调节空调使其不至于毫无用处的冷却家具。

10.All this probably sounds a bit abstract, but it actually has chilpng real-world relevance.这听上去或许有一些抽象,但实际上,这有着惊人的现实意义。