



美式发音: [sʌm] 英式发音: [sʌm]


v.总结;合计;总计(into, to)

abbr.(=surface-to-underwater missile)舰对水下导弹[飞弹]


复数:sums  过去式:summed  现在分词:summing  搭配同义词

adj.+n.large sum,small sum,huge sum,enormous sum,tidy sum

v.+n.spend sum,earn sum,save sum,lose sum,raise sum




1.[c]~ (of sth)金额;款项an amount of money

You will be fined the sum of £200.你将被罚款 200 英镑。

a large sum of money一大笔钱

a six-figure sum一笔六位数的款项

2.[c][ususing]~ (of sth)和;总和;总数the number you get when you add two or more numbers together

The sum of 7 and 12 is 19.7 加 12 的和是 19。

3.[sing]the ~ of sth全部,一切(尤指数量不大)all of sth, especially when you think that it is not very much

This is the sum of my achievements so far.这就是我目前的全部成就。

4.[c]算术;(数字的)简单计算a simple problem that involves calculating numbers

to do a sum in your head做心算

I was good at sums at school.我上学时擅长算术。

If I've got my sums right, I should be able to afford the rent.要是我算对了的话,我应该负担得起这笔租金。

IDMbe greater/more than the sum of its parts个体相加不如集体的力量大to be better or more effective as a group than you would think just by looking at the individual members of the groupin sum总之;总而言之used to introduce a short statement of the main points of a discussion, speech, etc.v.


v.1.合计,总计;总结,总括,概括2.总计(into, to);(法官听原告,被告陈述后)概括要点 (up)

abbr.1.(=surface-to-underwater missile)舰对水下导弹[飞弹]

n.1.an amount of money2.a simple calculation. To do a sum is to calculate something.3.a total amount made by adding several numbers or amounts together

abbr.1.(=surface-to-underwater missile)

1.总计 summarization 摘要 summed 总计 summer house 避暑别墅 ...

2.数据包的校验策略 ... unsigned long tx_bytes;/* 已发送的字节总数 */ ip_summed;/* 数据包的校验策略 */ spinlock_t lock;/* 自旋锁 */ ...

3.综合优势比 种 名 Species 综合优势比 Summed A坡 Slope A ...


1.Full name of the "artist's studio, a real moral of the story summed up in seven years of my artistic pfe situation. "全名《画家的工作室,一个现实的寓意,概括了我七年来艺术生活情况》。

2.It was, as he summed it up in his note, the worst vacation ever.正如他在来信中所总结的那样:那真是他有生以来最糟糕的假期了。

3.Corporate financial strategy is summed up in two structures which should be grasped: Capital structure and Ownership Structure.公司金融战略归纳起来就是把握两个结构,即资本结构和股权结构。

4.In recent years of the web page teaching, the author explored continually, and had summed up some experience and skills for your reference.在几年的网页教学中,笔者不断摸索,总结了一些经验和技巧供大家借鉴。

5.If all the arguing and complaining , togetherness and departure can be summed up as one reason, then let me make it straight.如果一切的争执和抱怨、团结和分离都能归咎于一个原因,那就让我让这一切更直接一些。

6.In the pght of these consideration, this paper summed up the basic-industry trade theory, impact factors, and index measurement.鉴于以上考虑,本文首先较系统的总结了产业内贸易的基本理论、影响因素和测量指数的计算方法。

7.here, who have friends in your own real summed up in the beauty tips to share with you all along.在这里,有网友在自己糊口中实战总结出来的美容小秘诀与大家一块儿分享。

8.This one moment summed up all my halfheartedness of the past months, which had produced my denial of her, and my betrayal.这一刻证明我过去几个月里对汉娜没太在意,导致了我对她的否定和背叛行径。

9.My daughter summed up the message of the day in her usual direct way. "Start tomorrow, " she said.女儿以她惯常直率的方式总结今天所得的经验说:“那就从明天开始吧。”

10.In her speech, He said team leaders had summed up their Athens performance as "one old, one young and one breakthrough. "在何的讲话中,他说代表团的领队已经将他们的雅典比赛总结为“一老,一新,一个突破。”