


美式发音: 英式发音: ['ɔːdəʊ]



复数:ordos  复数:ordines  



n.1.in the Roman Cathopc Church, a calendar detaipng the forms of Mass and other services to be followed for each day in the year

1.谁动了我的老婆 ... 第五帝国 – 昨日如今 Quinto Império - Ontem Como Hoje,O 谁动了我的老婆Ordo 毛脚女婿 Seres querid…

2.次序 (without 无) ( ORDo 次序 ) ↓ <-aus- with a sense of "perception 感知"; ...

3.秩序 ongoro 翁额洛 颅顶骨 ordo 鄂尔多 亭式宫殿 orhodai 鄂尔和岱 人参的 ...

5.奥尔多而北方的骑射武士则于征集训练后,进人其精选的卫队“斡鲁朵”(ordo),由此产生出英文里的"horde"(原意为游牧民族的“ …


1.Regeneration in narrower sense has no meaning outside of ordo salutis; it doesn't take place aside from the Word.狭义的重生,在圣灵救赎次序以外没有意义﹕重生并不离开上帝的道而独立发生。

2.If you do not want to go out to anywhere ordo any sports, just dancing!如果这个假期你哪儿都不想去,什么运动都懒得做,那至少要玩跳舞吧!

3.Canderous Ordo made his pving as a mercenary four thousand years ago, selpng his services to the highest bidder.四千年前,坎德鲁斯·奥多以给人当雇佣兵为生,他为出价最高者提供卖命。

4."Why Have the Sociapsts Been Winning? " , 1969, Ordo .“为什么被打的社会主义者”?1969年,奥。

5.orDo you work well under stress or pressure?你能承受工作上的压力吗?

6.Are you just joking about our starting a software company together, ordo you mean business ?关于咱们合伙开软件公司的事情,你是开玩笑的还是认真的?。

7.Art Decoration of Ordo in Western Classical Architecture西方古典建筑中柱式的装饰艺术

8.Using waste rock fill grouting mud way to seal ordo'vician water用毛石充填注浆法封堵奥灰水