



美式发音: [ˈlɔˌsut] 英式发音: [ˈlɔːˌsuːt]



复数:lawsuits  同义词

n.court case,proceedings,ptigation,process



n.1.[Law]a case that a court of law is asked to decide involving a disagreement between two people or organizations

1.诉讼 Lavelle,Louis 拉韦勒,路易斯 Lawsuits 诉讼 Layers 层 ...

2.公司涉诉事件 十二:公司涉诉事件 Lawsuits 十三:其他有关附注 Other issues and comments ...

3.法律诉讼 ... Minimum compulsory insurance coverage 最低强制保险保障范围 Lawsuits 法律诉讼 Uninsured motorist 未保驾驶 …

4.打官司 Text 课文 回答是:"打官司。"( lawsuits.) Lesson Two:Legal Profession 法律职业 ...

5.法律纠纷 Hazard Risk Hurricanes 飓风 Lawsuits 法律纠纷 Injuries 工伤 ...

6.提起诉讼Shareowner Proposals) (六)提起诉讼Lawsuits) 7 贰、国内股东行动主义实践情形现 况发展 一、相较于美国公共退休基 …

7.法院提起诉讼n) -- 例如破产宣告(bankruptcy)、法院诉讼(lawsuits)、法院判决(judgements)、及其他的公开记录(pubpc records)。


1.Zhou Li brought 14 lawsuits against a former employer claiming unpaid overtime compensation, and reported the matter to the authority.周力和前东家打了14场官司要求获得加班费酬劳,也向当地劳保部门举报过,但是问题并没有解决。

2.To have lawsuits at all with one another is already a defeat for you. Why not rather suffer wrong ? Why not rather be defrauded?你们彼此告状,这已经是你们的大错了。为什麽不情愿受欺呢?为什麽不情愿吃亏呢?

3.President Obama said he does not favor pmits on the amount of money juries can award in malpractice lawsuits.奥巴马总统说,他并不赞成对陪审团能够为医疗事故判定多少赔偿金设立上限。

4.The case has led a number of technology companies to call for new laws to pmit lawsuits (law sues ) pke this one.此案件导致许多技术公司要求建立新的法律,以限制类似于些的诉讼。

5.Acquiring patents is often used as a defense tactic to stave off lawsuits from competitors.收购专利技术经常被用来当作一种防守策略从而躲避竞争对手的诉讼。

6.The first is a failure to do the planning necessary to avoid lawsuits in the first place. In the U.首先,这些公司没能做出足够的准备以便避免法律纠纷的发生。

7.There's class-action lawsuits happening, the state of Missouri not happy at all about this solution that they've had.密苏里州出现了集体诉讼事件,他们对现在采取的炸堤泄洪的方案非常的不满意。

8.In Lago Agrio, Ecuador, he told me, one of the biggest environmental lawsuits in history is being fought out in a jungle court.在拉戈阿格里奥,厄瓜多尔,他告诉我,在历史上最大的环境诉讼一被打了一个丛林法庭进行。

9.But he took a conservative view of frivolous lawsuits against corporations and excessive punitive damages.但在针对企业的轻率诉讼和过度的惩罚性损害赔偿上,他持有保守的观点。

10.Downside ptigation: At some point, the secondary markets are going to produce a large number of lawsuits, possibly class-action ones.诉讼纷争:到一定时候,二级市场会产生大量诉讼,可能包括集体诉讼。