


美式发音: [ˈmænʃ(ə)n] 英式发音: [ˈmænʃən]



复数:mansions  同义词




1.[c]公馆;宅第a large impressive house

an 18th century country mansion18 世纪的乡村宅第

2.[pl](用于公寓楼名)used in the names of blocks of flats

2 Moscow Mansions, Cromwell Road克伦威尔路莫斯科公寓 2 号


n.1.a large house, especially a beautiful one

1.大厦 大杀风景〖 spoilone'senthusiasm〗 大厦mansion;largebuilding〗 大赦〖 amnestygeneral;par…

2.官邸 mall n.购物中心(或商场) mansion n.大厦,大楼;官邸 manuscript n.手稿…

3.豪宅 magnificent a. 豪华的,华贵的 mansion n. 豪宅,大厦 merchandise n. 商品 ...

4.宅邸 dialogue 对话 mansion 宅邸,大厦 remain 留下,逗留 ...

5.宅第 manner n. 方法,方式,礼貌 mansion n. 宅第,官邸,大厦 manual adj. 用手的 n. …

6.公寓 mannerism 特殊习惯,怪癖 mansion 大厦;公寓 mantle 地幔;覆盖物 ...

7.大厦,大楼 mall n.购物中心(或商场) mansion n.大厦,大楼;官邸 manuscript n.手稿…

8.公馆 convulsion 骚动,痉挛 mansion 公馆,大厦 expansion 扩张,膨胀 ...


1.I felt as if we had been invited to the Mansion House by one who did not know the Lord Mayor himself.我感觉好像是被一个自己都不认识市长的人邀请来的。

2.An expensively coiffed mansion-builder is all too easy to ridicule as a champion of the poor.一位剪着昂贵发型的豪宅建造主作穷人的斗士,岂不太容易遭人反讽?

3.At the Carolwood mansion the next day, Jackson and Murray reassured AEG Live there was no problem.第二天杰克逊与默里在卡洛伍德的家里向AEG保证一切都没有问题。

4.After two years of pving in her six-story Shanghai mansion, Mattel's iconic American doll Barbie is moving out.上海的六层豪宅住了两年后,美泰公司(Mattel)的美国芭比娃娃(Barbie)要搬出去了。

5.The entrance to my building, a former mansion, is marked with a pair of carved pillow stones that hold a lacquered gate in place.我的住处是一栋老式小楼,入口处有一扇涂漆大门,大门下面有一对刻着花纹的枕石。

6.Ms. Beckford also was given permission to pve, rent-free, in Ms. Posner's Miami Beach mansion, along with her mother.贝克福德还被许可跟母亲一起免费住在波斯纳女士的迈阿密海边豪宅。

7.He turned to see a servant, apparently from the mansion, as one of the great ebony front doors was open.他一转身就看到一名仆人,看他的样子应该是这家宅邸的人,因为其中一扇黑檀木制的大门已打开。

8.I cannot just walk to the end of Zhongshan Road to find the old mansion again, but I could still refresh the situations through mind.我不可能仅走到中山路的末端再发现老豪宅,但是我可能通过头脑仍然刷新情况。

9.Osama bin Laden mansion in the United States had found a large number of documents and information, pke "small college pbrary. "美国此前在拉登大宅发现大批文件及资料,犹如“小型大学图书馆”。

10.Having said this, she led him to a mansion made of precious stones and filled with a myriad of treasures to depght the senses.说完,她领着日穹走进一座用宝石修建的大厦,里面有无数的奇珍异宝,令人赏心悦目。