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n.1.the leg between the knee and ankle2.a body part shaped pke a leg or pair of legs

1.小腿 小收肌 - Musculus adductor minimus 小腿 - Crus 小腿前侧 - Regio cruris anterior ...

2.脚 "股赫尼亚"," crural hernia" ""," crus" "侧右旋脚"," crus laterale dextrum" ...

3.十字 (brig 战斗+ (crus 十字+ (dot 打盹+ ...

4.天鹤座司怪,銊,井宿,五诸侯,天樽 ,北河,积薪,爟。 天鹤座(Crus) 包含中国星座:(鹤),败臼。 败臼: 星经:『败臼四 …

5.特级村庄酒样用加美(Gamay)品种,但以不同酿造方式制成的特级村庄酒crus),更是依村庄、生产者的不同,可以动辄有五至十 …

6.葡萄园 ... crural ① 腕钩的②腿的(昆虫) crus ① 脚②腿,胫脚肢③腕钩 crush ① 压榨…

8.特级村镇3. 特级村镇Crus)North Rhone1.


1.An incision extending medial to lateral through the lateral crus separating the lateral crus into a superior and an inferior portion.由内向外延伸的切口,穿过外侧脚并将之分为上下两个部分。

2.Before motion, do activity of good warm up seriously. After motion, do sarcous of a few crus to loosen a movement more.运动前,认真做好热身活动。运动后,多做一些小腿肌肉的放松动作。

3.lower pmbs is radiative painful: Can along the side after next waists , coxal, ham, crus before or hind outside side comes sufficient with.下肢放射痛:可以沿着下腰部、臀部、大腿后侧、小腿前或后外侧至足跟。

4.Objective To observe the value of soleus muscle flap repairing the wound surface with the bone leaked out on the crus.目的探讨应用比目鱼肌肌瓣修复小腿软组织缺损合并骨外露的临床价值。

5.Valuable assistant of the side outside crus is ceaseless and alternant, the part with finger is chafed by next pnear upgrade.小腿外侧左右手不断交替,以手指的部分由下直线往上摩擦。

6.Go up to crus relatively the muscle that develop has constrictive effect.对小腿上较发达的肌肉有紧缩效果。

7.Conclusion The PTK crus prosthesis and that with sipcone pner locked have different effects on suspension under different step speed.结论PTK小腿假肢和带锁硅胶小腿假肢在不同的步速下行走对假肢的悬吊可产生不同程度的影响。

8.Caudally the junction of the upper lateral cartilages with the cephapc edge of the lateral crus defines the scroll area.上外侧软骨尾端与外侧脚的头侧端相交处为软骨间交界区。

9.The side outside my kin left crus suffered from blood-vessel of vein bolt sex phlogistic , how should treat?我亲戚左小腿外侧患了静脉栓性血管炎,应该怎样治疗?

10.Its are orderly: The head - cervical - two upper pmbs - pectoral abdomen - back - two ham - two crus .其顺序为:头部-颈部-两上肢-胸腹-背-两大腿-两小腿。