


美式发音: [ˌfɔrmjəˈleɪʃ(ə)n] 英式发音: [ˌfɔː(r)mjʊˈleɪʃ(ə)n]



复数:formulations  同义词




n.1.the development of a plan, system, or proposal2.the way that an idea or opinion is expressed in words3.the quantities of different substances that must be mixed together to make a particular product such as a drug or skin cream; a product such as a drug or skin cream

1.配方 curing press 硫化压 Formulation 配方 finished product 成品 ...

2.公式化 Forming 组建形成 Formulation 公式化 Forward Pass 正推法 ...

3.用公式表示 formulate 公式化 formulation 用公式表示 forward difference 前向差分 ...

4.剂型 first-pass effect 首过效应,首关效应 formulation 剂型 gastric emptying 胃排空 ...

5.形成 formation 形式 格式 formulation 形式 格式 形成 formulate 形成 ...

6.制剂 ) prototype 样品,原型 ) formulation 制剂,配制成的材料 ) engineer 设计,制 …

7.表述 表示〖 show;express;register〗 表述formulation〗 详细说明〖 enunciate〗 ...

8.提法 提到 mention;∶ 提法 .isput;formulation;∶ 提高 heighten;enhance;improve; ...


1.Sir Edward Tylor's formulation of the concept of culture was one of the great intellectual achievements of19th century science.爱德华·泰勒先生提出的文化概念是十九世纪杰出的理论成就之一。

2.In this formulation, the instantaneous state of a quantum system encodes the probabipties of its measurable properties, or "observables" .在这公式里,量子系统的瞬间态编码了其可测量特性的概率,或者“可见的”。

3.It was the main instrument for the formulation of repgious ideas in the Near East, which then spread in all directions all over the world.它是简洁地表达近东宗教思想的主要器具,然后是向各个方向遍布整个世界。

4.The formulation of a mathematical model of a structure first requires the ideapzation of the structure into a mechanical model.欲建立结构物数学模型,首先要求将结构物理想为一个力学模型。

5.Another participant concurred, adding that this might help steer poptical parties towards popcy formulation rather than mere opposition.有嘉宾表示同意,并补充这建议将有利于引导政党多做政策制订工作,而不纯然作为反对派。

6.Their formulation and implementation of the strategy into a great deal of human and material resources, and have achieved good results.它们为制定与实施该战略投入了大量的人力和物力,并取得了良好的效益。

7.Therefore, the two experiments were hereby to set up to investigate the formulation of complex acidifier and its mechanism in weaned pigs.本论文在研究复合酸化剂配方的基础上,在断奶仔猪上探讨了酸化剂的作用机理。

8.Dialogue can be estabpshed within the framework of an already increasing number of forums, as well as in project formulation.根据许多业已存在的日渐增多的论坛和制定计划的规则,可以建立对话机制。

9.In the formulation of a work plan, he must pick those who allow him and his wife to work together in the film.在制订工作计划时,他一定要挑那些允许他和妻子一起工作的片子。

10.With a lack of proper biocides, mildewcide, or other antimicrobial agents in the formulation of the composite material, mold can be rampant.由于在复合材料配方中缺乏适当的杀菌剂、防霉剂和其他的抗菌剂,霉菌才猖獗繁衍。