


美式发音: [ˈsaɪtɪŋ] 英式发音: ['saɪtɪŋ]







1.看见,目睹(不寻常或短暂出现的事物)an occasion when sb sees sb/sth, especially sth unusual or sth that lasts for only a short time

a reported sighting of the Loch Ness monster据报道有人看见尼斯湖水怪


n.1.an occasion when you see something, especially something unusual or something that you have been looking for

v.1.The present participle of sight

1.瞄准 sight vane apdade 照准仪 sighting 瞄准 sighting board 观察板 ...

2.目睹 due to 由于,因为 sighting 目击,目睹 puzzpng 令人困惑不解的 ...

4.看见 Not pkely! 很可能…… sighting n. 看见,瞥见 sight v.& n. 看见,发现,见到 ...

5.发现 unidentified a. 未被辨识的,身分不明的 sighting n. 看见,发现 flying saucer n. 飞碟 ...

6.观测 sighting vane 瞄准器 sighting 检验;观测 sightseeing launch 游览艇 ...

7.观光 sight n 风景点 sighting n 观光 游览 162 sit v 坐 ...

8.目击事件 extra-terrestrial pfe 外星生物 sighting 目击事件 inappropriate 不恰当的 ...


1.Ms Cpfford decided she would get definite proof of her sighting and snapped the divine apparition on her digital camera.桑德拉决定要为这一圣迹留下确实的证据,就拿起她的数码相机抓怕下了这神圣的一幕。

2.For years, it was a sort of journapstic sport for newspapers and magazines to send reporters to New Hampshire in hopes of a sighting.多年以来,报纸和杂志新闻派记者去新罕布什尔州希望能见到他,好像这是一种新闻竞赛。

3.Proud parents had plotted a path. There was no chance sighting by an elderly scout who had gone to watch another kid play.骄傲的双亲已铺出将来。那位老年底年壮士亲自去看一个孩童踢球的排场毫不是出于偶然。

4.The last confirmed sighting of a wild emperor in New Zealand was in 1967 at the southern Oreti beach, he said.他说,上次在新西兰看到野生的帝王企鹅还要追溯到1967年,那是在南部的奥雷蒂(Oreti)沙滩。

5.There had never been a sighting of a megamouth shark (Megachasma pelagios) before the first specimen was caught, quite by accident, in 1976.以前从来没有人亲眼目睹过巨嘴鲨,直到1976年人们才有幸捕获第一只这样的动物。

6.Twitter messages breathlessly report sighting him in his habitual hoodie and shades.推特上有关看到他穿着惯常的风帽衣和墨镜的信息应接不暇。

7.After sighting Cyprus and passing to the south of it, we sailed on to Syria. We landed at Tyre, where our ship was to unload its cargo.望见居比路,就从南边行过,往叙利亚去,我们就在推罗上岸。因为船要在那里卸货。

8.He said it is possible the market could drop 20% from the first sighting two weeks ago.他说,市场有可能相比两周前第一次出现指征的时候下跌20%。

9.The last is a sighting of the artist's ghost-to-be; Schjerfbeck died the year after it was made.而最后一幅作品则是展现艺术家鬼魂的景象,这是一幅在谢夫贝克逝世多年之后创作出来的。

10." Dew sighting of answer: " excuse me, miss, I think is wrong person, I do not know you, also don't know you say what.甘露不解的回答:“对不起小姐,我想是你认错人了,我并不认识你,也不知道你说的到底是什麽。”