


美式发音: ['paʊwaʊ] 英式发音: ['paʊwaʊ]




复数:powwows  过去分词:powwowed  现在分词:powwowing  



1.帕瓦仪式(美洲土著一种盛宴和舞蹈仪式)a meeting of Native Americans

2.(informal)讨论会;议事会a meeting for discussion


v.1.(北美印第安人)做祛病祈祷;举行预祝狂欢2.〈美俚〉开会;商量 (about)3.(北美印第安人)用巫术治(病)

n.1.a traditional Native American ceremony featuring dance, feasting, and a blessing by a shaman for an event such as a marriage, a major hunt, or a gathering of nations2.a meeting or gathering to discuss something

v.1.to hold a powwow

1.巫师 powerless adj. 无力量的,无能力的 powwow n. 巫师,(政治等方面的)会议,会谈 pox n. 痘 ...

2.仪式 powerless 无力的 powwow 仪式 pox 痘 ...

3.会谈 powerless adj. 无力量的,无能力的 powwow n. 巫师,(政治等方面的)会议,会谈 pox n. 痘 ...

4.帕瓦节 powerless adj. 无力量的,无能力的 powwow n. 巫师,(政治等方面的)会议,会谈 pox n. 痘 ...

7.帕瓦聚会o-the-land movement)人士、参加帕瓦聚会Powwow)或野营的美国土著人,他们希望保留并传承他们的文化遗产和传统。


1.Things have been so busy around here that it was nice today to sit down and have a powwow with my wife; by this I mean "a meeting. "手头的事情忙翻了天,今天能坐下来跟我老婆进行一场powwow,实在难能可贵。那个词的意思是,开个“会”。

2.The International Pow Wow, the biggest international tourism trade fair, concluded Tuesday in the United States.最大的国际旅游交易会国际PowWow大会周二在美国结束。

3.The city also hosts a variety of annual ethnic festivals and is the site of numerous American Indian powwows.西雅图每年还举办具有族裔特色的的民俗节,美洲印第安人也在这里举行帕瓦节(powwow)的众多庆祝活动。

4.I love singing country and western songs at karaoke, but I also love a good powwow and fry bread.我喜欢K歌,大唱乡村和西部歌曲,但我也爱印第安人的帕瓦仪式炸面包。

5.His first contact with revolutionary bigwigs came when he attended a Party powwow in Vienna.他第一次接触革命的首脑人物是他在维纳斯参加的一个党的仪式上。

6.At the Annual Northern Ute Powwow, dancers circle around an American flag carried by the honor guard.一年一度的北犹他州巫师仪式上,舞者们围着一面由荣誉守卫所持的美国国旗起舞。

7.A powwow is an Indian social gathering that usually includes dance and music.祈祷仪式是印地安人的社交聚会,它通常包含了舞蹈及音乐。

8.A powwow is a social gathering of Indian peoples to honor their heritage that has been passed down through generations.祈祷仪式是印地安人用来表彰他们传统的社交聚会,并藉由此仪式将此一传统传承下去。

9.The United Tribes Powwow in Bismarck, North Dakota, has been held every year since 1969.北达科他州俾斯麦的年度联合部落祈祷仪式始自1969年。

10.Every year American Indians have a powwow in Denver, Colorado, that attracts people from all 50 states and 14 countries.每一年,美国境内的印地安人都会在科罗拉多州的丹佛举行祈祷仪式,这个仪式吸引了50州及14国的人前来参加。