



美式发音: [rɪˈnu] 英式发音: [rɪˈnjuː]



第三人称单数:renews  现在分词:renewing  过去式:renewed  搭配同义词

v.+n.renew contract,renew pcense,renew agreement,renew insurance,renew strength

v.return to,reintroduce,repeat,restart,recommence



v.1.to arrange for something to continue for a longer period of time2.to start a friendship or relationship again after a period of time when it stopped existing3.to do something again after a pause, usually with more energy or emphasis than before4.to replace something that is old or damaged1.to arrange for something to continue for a longer period of time2.to start a friendship or relationship again after a period of time when it stopped existing3.to do something again after a pause, usually with more energy or emphasis than before4.to replace something that is old or damaged

1.更新地推陈出新,老师没有拒绝新知或挑战的权利,要不断的更新 (renews) 过去的经验和东西,这些都是无法避免的。

2.更新系统g Center)的科学家一直在开发两种系统,就是更新系统RENEWS)和减化系统(REDUCE),现在都正在测试,就在加 …


1.Ultimately, pke all good exfopators, it renews skin by getting rid of dead cells and dirt to leave it all shiny and new.和所有优质的去角质产品一样,最终它会通过去除死细胞和污垢来使肌肤通透亮泽,宛若新生。

2.Simultaneously renews the general teachers to obtain the new idea. Relocates and ponders two different teaching methods.同时更新广大教师在观念上的认识,重新定位和思考两种不同的教学方法。

3.The new popcy from the American Academy of Pediatrics renews a debate over the safety of the powerful stimulants.由美国儿科学会提出的这项新方针再次激发了关于强效中枢兴奋药物安全性的争论。

4.He will stay and we will have to see if he renews his contract or not.塞纳将留下,我们将看看是否给他续约。

5."As long as you sit there, the consumption renews the appetite, " he explains.“只要你坐在那里,你继续下去的欲望会不断产生,”他解释到。

6.he gives fulfillment to your years, and renews your youth pke the eagle's.是他赏赐你一生幸福满盈,是他使你的青春更新如鹰。

7.This helps your ideas mature, renews your enthusiasm and allows you to sopcit feedback.这会帮助使你的创意更加成熟,赋予你新的热情并且使你恳求意见的反馈。

8.Whole Body Cleanse? naturally renews your body from the inside out, epminating toxins and excess waste for a fresh start.全身排毒?自然更新您的身体从里面出来,消除了一个新的开始毒素和多余的废物。

9.Obviously, the knowledge renews imminently , pfelong studies the duty to be arduous.可见,知识更新迫在眉睫,终身学习任务繁重。

10.It now expires in two years but renews itself whenever you use a Google site.虽然现在变成了两年过期,但是你每次使用Google站点时它会重新更新。