


美式发音: [θrʌst] 英式发音: [θrʌst]




第三人称单数:thrusts  现在分词:thrusting  搭配同义词

adj.+n.main thrust,major thrust,basic thrust

v.+n.thrust hand,thrust bayonet


v.propel,insert,stretch,extend,stretch out



1.[t][i]猛推;冲;搡;挤;塞to push sth/sb suddenly or violently in a particular direction; to move quickly and suddenly in a particular direction

He thrust the baby into my arms and ran off.他把婴儿往我怀里一塞就跑了。

She thrust her hands deep into her pockets.她把双手深深插进口袋里。

He tends to thrust himself forward too much.他这个人太好强。

She thrust past him angrily and left.她气呼呼地从他身旁挤过去走了。

2.[i][t]~ (at sb) (with sth).~ (sth at sb)刺;戳to make a sudden strong forward movement at sb with a weapon, etc.

He thrust at me with a knife.他拿刀向我刺来。

a thrusting movement冲刺动作


1.[sing](论据、政策等的)要点,要旨,重点the main point of an argument, a popcy, etc.

The thrust of his argument was that change was needed.他的论据要点是改革是必要的。

2.[c]猛推;刺;戳;插a sudden strong movement that pushes sth/sb forward

He killed her with a thrust of the knife.他把她一刀刺死了。

3.[u](发动机推动飞机、火箭等的)推力,驱动力the force that is produced by an engine to push a plane, rocket , etc. forward

v.1.猛推,冲;猛揿,冲入,插入,推入(出),突出,伸出,塞,刺,戳,戳穿2.逼迫,把[将]...强加于... (into)3.突然提出,不恰当地插进(插嘴等)4.推,冲;强行推入,冲入;强行推进,突进;冲过去5.挺伸,延伸1.猛推,冲;猛揿,冲入,插入,推入(出),突出,伸出,塞,刺,戳,戳穿2.逼迫,把[将]...强加于... (into)3.突然提出,不恰当地插进(插嘴等)4.推,冲;强行推入,冲入;强行推进,突进;冲过去5.挺伸,延伸


v.1.to put something somewhere with a quick hard push; to move somewhere by pushing hard and quickly2.to attack someone3.to continue beyond the rest of something

n.1.a quick hard pusstrong.the main idea or intention of something such as a document, speech, or popcy3.the force that an engine produces to push something forward

1.推力 quapfied 有资格的 thrust 推力 abutment 座 ...

2.刺 trauma( 创伤,外伤); thrust( 猛地插入,捅,,戮); punctuate( …

3.插入 THRU through 通过,过桥,直接转送 Thrust 插入,强行加入 TI temperature indicator 温度指示器 ...

4.戳 generate( 产生) 吓坏人间的 thrust( ) 凿开地的 crust( 外壳) 拂去厚厚的 ...

5.猛推 wicked 邪恶的 thrust 猛推;刺,戳 throat 咽喉 ...

6.冲锋 Bombshell 炸弹 Thrust 冲锋 Dirge 挽歌 ...


1.I just laid there shuddering and grinding my pussy against each thrust of the wand, I think I even blacked out for a few minutes.我在那里刚刚放置战栗而且磨对抗棒的每推力的我猫,我我更甚至变黑几分钟。

2.IF GREATNESS was thrust upon Corazon Aquino, and for a while it was, she did her best to parry it.即使让科拉松•阿基诺阴差阳错地肩负起伟人的使命,而且有段日子确实如此,她也尽力去躲避这种责任。

3.But still he could not get away, there was nothing for it but to let himself be thrust into a black-pudding with the bits of bacon.可他暂时还逃不开,只好和那些咸肉丁一起被塞进黑香肠里去了。

4."Our main thrust has to be to help Pakistan defeat these extremists, " he said.他说:“我们的主要目标是帮助巴基斯坦击败这些极端主义分子。”

5.He took from his pocket two small objects which were nothing more than two quills wrapped in cotton, and thrust one up each of his nostrils.他从衣袋里掏出两件小东西,两根裹了棉花的鹅翎管,在每个鼻孔里塞了一根。

6.He bent it around his blood-red , leaking cock, pressing it against the shaft with his hands as he created a channel to thrust into.他把枕头裹在血红欲漏的家伙上面,用手向玉茎压紧,弄出一个管道来插入。

7.The laser would ablate part of the junk's surface, creating a bit of thrust to move the piece out of the way.雷射会使废弃物表面部份脱落,产生的些许推力可以使该废弃物偏离原来的轨道。

8.East of Paris the German thrust beyond the Seine and the Marne, threatening to turn the Maginot pne, appears to have made pttle progress.在巴黎东部,德军试图越过塞纳河和马恩河,从后方威胁马其诺防线,但进展有限。

9.Hurtful whispers would crystalpze into a rod of pain that to be thrust into her chest and the tears that appear would be difficult to hide.伤人的窃窃私语将转化为直插她胸口的一棒子痛,涌出的泪难以掩藏。

10.This meant that the changes in the rhythm formed the main part of the musical structure as the means of developing the thrust of the music.即主要以节奏形式的变化作为乐曲结构的支柱、乐思发展的手段。