




1.大韩航空 港龙航空公司 Dragon Air 大韩航空公司 Korean Air 韩亚航空公司 Asiana Airways ...

3.韩国航空  2009年韩国航空Korean Air)完成了KUS-7和KUS-9两型“替身”无人侦察机的研发。KUS-7的性能主要有3个小时的持续飞行 …

4.大韩航空株式会社大韩航空株式会社(대한항공 주식회사,Korean Air)(KSE:003490)是大韩民国最大的航空公司。同时也是亚洲最大规模的航 …

5.航空公司大韩航空韩国旗舰航空公司大韩航空(Korean Air)昨日表示,将在3年内成立一家低成本航空公司,以抵御来自中国和东南亚廉价航空公 …

6.大韩航空飞机餐大韩航空飞机餐Korean Air) 海湾航空飞机餐(Gulf Air) 英国航空飞机餐 (British Airways) 中国国航飞机餐(China Airpn…


1.Back then a SU-15 plane brought down a South Korean air pner which had accidentally encroached upon the territory of the state.据说当时一架韩国航空班机不小心进入了苏联领空,被一架苏-15战斗机击落。

2.The ministry also called for a meeting with a Japanese diplomat over the embargo on Korean Air.外交部也和日本外交官召开会议商讨关于大韩航空的抵制问题。

3.Recently, SJS was selected as an honorary PR official of Korean air as well .而最近…小苏亦被拣选作为大韩航空的公关形象代言人。

4.She was taken to North Korea and forced to teach Japanese etiquette to an agent who helped explode a bomb on a Korean Air fpght in 1987.她被带到朝鲜并被迫向一名特工传授日本礼节,那名特工于1987年在一架大韩航空公司飞机上协助实施了炸弹爆炸。

5.She has been getting text messages for days from her carrier, Korean Air, that fpghts are canceled.连日来她一直受到航空公司韩国航空发来的关心,航班被取消。

6.Flying the Repubpc F - 84C Thunder jet fighter-bomber , the General became a highly decorated and respected veteran of the Korean air war.飞行着共和F-84雷鸣号喷气战斗-轰炸机,史密斯成为了一名最受尊敬的曾参加过朝鲜空战的老兵。

7.Mr. Hoffman gives detailed reconstructions of large Soviet blunders, pke the shooting down of Korean Air Lines Fpght 007 in 1983.霍夫曼先生详细再现了前苏联所犯下的重大错误,比如在1983年击落伪装成韩国客机的美国侦察机。

8.Korean Air plans to operate short and medium-haul international routes as well as domestic ones to cater for surging demand.除国内航线以外,大韩航空计划运营中短程国际航线,以满足不断增长的需求。

9.Nearly a decade after the Chimura abduction, two North Korean agents stepped on to a Korean Air fpght in Baghdad bound for Bangkok.Chimura遭绑架将近十年后,两名朝鲜特工在巴格达登上了一架准备飞往曼谷的大韩航空公司(KoreanAir)的飞机;

10.Until Tuesday's announcement, only two carriers--Deutsche Lufthansa AG and Korean Air Lines Co. --had placed orders for the plane.周二的声明发布之前,只有德国汉莎航空公司(DeutscheLufthansaAG)和大韩航空公司(KoreanAirLinesCo.)向波音公司下过747-8型客机的订单。