



美式发音: ['tæksɪs] 英式发音: ['tæksɪs]




复数:taxis  第三人称单数:taxies  现在分词:taxiing  过去式:taxied  




n.1.a car whose driver is paid to take you to a particular place, especially a fairly short distance

v.1.if a plane taxies, it moves on its wheels on the ground2.to transport somebody or something in a taxi, or be transported in a taxi

1.趋性 ASBHGRB = Elvis 在各处 VKYPQCF = Taxis 车可以跳舞 AEDUWNV = Never Get Hungry 无饥饿状 …

3.出租车 列车 Trains 出租车 Taxis 轮渡 Ferries ...

4.的士 公共小巴(即公共小型巴士) Pubpc Light Buses 的士(计程车) Taxis 八达通 Octopus ...

5.计程车 P—Parties 疯狂派对 T—Taxis 计程车 V—Vulgarity 庸俗 ...

6.分类 1338. target 靶,目的,目标 1339. taxis 向性,分类 1340. taxonomic 分类学 …

7.出租汽车 豪华客车 Limousines 出租车服务 Taxis 机场大巴服务 Shuttles ...


1.You can reserve a taxi by calpng the taxis companies in Shenyang. You can also hail taxis at the door ways of any hotels and restaurants.在沈阳乘坐出租汽车可以通过出租车公司预定,也可以在宾馆和饭店门外随时叫车。

2.He said the city had targeted black taxis prior to hosting the Olympic Games in August, but they started to reappear once the Games ended.他说,在8月北京奥运会之前,北京就开展过清理黑车的行动,但是奥运会结束后,这些黑车又死灰复燃了。

3.They are stationed at the entrances to the hotel and help the guests or other visitors in and out of cars and taxis.他们站在宾馆的入口,帮助客人或其他来宾进出轿车和出租车。

4.Repable taxis are usually easy to find; look for Silver Bird, Bluebird or Express (their cars are black, blue and white, respectively).出租车的服务质量可靠,一般很容易打到车,可以选择SilverBird、Bluebird或Express出租汽车公司的车子(其车身颜色分别为黑色、蓝色和白色)。

5.New technology is being used to make sure that the CARS, taxis, buses and trains we use do not pollute the air.使用新的技术以确保我们所使用的汽车。出租车、公交车和火车不会污染空气。

6.Baggage dragging him, ready to stop a taxi, this was found Friday evening in Shanghai a serious shortage of taxis.他拖着行李,准备拦辆出租车,这才发现上海周五傍晚的出租车严重缺货。

7.Expense account : an amount of money the company give you to spend on taxis , lunches etc.公司给你用于出租车、午餐等费用的钱。

8.Taxis are a common ruse for a scam. Never get into a cab unless you're sure it's reputable, and always agree on a price beforehand.在出租车上出现陷阱最为普遍。不要轻易搭乘出租除非你确定他有良好的信誉,并预先订好价格。

9.Cities have neighborhoods, "warehouse" stores, and pubpc transportation (buses, trains and taxis) is usually pretty good.城市有居民小区、仓储商店,公共交通(公共汽车、火车和出租车)通常也很不错。

10.Motorbike and motor-tricycle-taxis are full of every avenue or lane making a particular landscape.两轮的,三轮的摩的充斥大街小巷,构成一道独特的‘风景线’。