


美式发音: [ɪnˈsɜrk(ə)l] 英式发音: [ɪnˈsɜː(r)k(ə)l]



第三人称单数:encircles  现在分词:encircpng  过去式:encircled  同义词




1.~ sb/sth环绕;围绕;包围to surround sb/sth completely in a circle

Jack's arms encircled her waist.杰克的双臂搂着她的腰。

The island is encircled by a coral reef.这个岛周围都是珊瑚礁。


v.1.to completely surround someone or something

1.环绕 circus 马戏团;圆形广场 encircle 环绕,包围 cycle 周期 ...

2.包围 circus 马戏团;圆形广场 encircle 环绕,包围 cycle 周期 ...

3.围绕 enclose 装入 encircle 围绕 enclasp 抱紧 ...

4.环抱 2.环保[ environmentalprotection] 3.环抱[ encircle;surround;hemin] 4.环堵萧然[ inacold,bareroom] ...

5.引申为包围 贴身穿着;穿在里面〖 wearinside〗 引申为包围〖 surround;encircle〗 正;正派〖 right;upright〗 ...

6.同本义 [ 平水韵 ]:上平十二文 jūn 同本义encircle〗 攻杀〖 attackandkill〗 ...

7.环绕,围绕在中间 ... [environmental protection] 对环境进行保护 [encircle;surround;hem in] 环绕,围绕在中间 ...

8.围堵o Islands)建立监听站等举动看成是中国在‘围堵’(encircle)印度。”《华盛顿观察》周刊2005年第41期徐琳报道,宾夕法尼 …


1.The repef of it all will encircle your Earth, and a new energy will permeate everything and bring Love and Light to you all.它全部的安慰都环抱着地球,一种新的能量会渗透每一件事物并把爱和光带给你们所有人。

2.Mrs. Pryor came; she sat down on the edge of her patient's bed, and allowed the wasted arms to encircle her.普赖尔太太过来了,她在病人的床沿上坐下来,听任两只消瘦的胳膊把她搂住。

3.The kuomintang across the lawn for the reds to encircle, forces command stone from the enemy, big forces skyshatter go first.国民党对红军过草地围追堵截,部队命令石破天阻击敌人,大部队先走。

4.Faddish community interior communicates a tool to be able to make its sufficient inside community develop its good friend to encircle.风行社区内部沟通工具可让其在社区内充分发展自己的好友圈。

5.During the night-morning the coaption units continued to encircle the city from west and east.在晚上早上期间联盟单位继续了围绕从西方和东方的城市。

6.Furthermore, you'll be so shining that colleagues envy you, and the subordinates respect you, which make you encircle with cheers.你光芒四射,同行羡慕你,下属敬重你,你面对的是一片喝彩之声。

7.To surround or encircle with or AS if with a belt or girdle.用(好象用)带子或腰带围绕或环绕

8.To encircle or surround with or as if with a girdle.环绕,围绕用或好象用带子捆扎或环绕

9.Saturn's otherworldly rings encircle the planet and extend out for hundreds of thousands of kilometers.存在着不同凡响的环包围了土星这个星球,并向外扩展了数十万公里。

10.That in turn will fuel Chinese fears that America is trying to encircle it.这样的局势反过来又会加重中国人对“美国对中国包围说”的恐惧。