


美式发音: [ˌkɑnʃiˈenʃəs] 英式发音: [ˌkɒnʃiˈenʃəs]




adj.+n.conscientious effort,conscientious work





1.勤勉认真的;一丝不苟的taking care to do things carefully and correctly

a conscientious student/teacher/worker勤勉认真的学生;一丝不苟的老师;认真负责的工人


adj.1.working hard and careful to do things well

1.认真的 confident 有信心的 conscientious 认真的,自觉的 considerate 体贴的 ...

2.尽责的 confidential 机紧的,秘密的 conscientious 负责的,尽责的 conscious 意识到的,知道的 ...

3.勤勤恳恳的 conquest 攻取,征服 conscientious 认真的,勤勤恳恳的 consecutive 连续的 ...

4.有良心的 conscience 良心 conscientious 有良心的 conscious 有意识的 ...

5.本着良心的 nefarious 邪恶的, 穷凶极恶的 conscientious 本着良心的,负责的 lackadaisical 懒洋洋的 无精打采 …

6.尽职的 confusion 混乱 331. conscientious 尽职的 332. conscious 意识到的 333. ...

7.谨慎的 ... conscience n. 良心, 良知 conscientious a. 认真的; 诚心诚意的; 谨慎的 conscious a. 有意识的, …

8.有责任心的 conquest ? n. 征服 conscientious ? adj. 有责任心的,负责的 consensus ? n. 一致,团结 ...


1.Third is the person in charge of support services; he must be dipgent, conscientious, practical and prepared to be an unsung hero.还有一个管后勤的,应当是勤勤恳恳、扎扎实实、甘当无名英雄的人。

2.Lower prices have made a home more affordable to those who were conscientious in saving a down payment and are truly ready to purchase.更低的价格让那些有能力用自己的储蓄支付定金,真正准备置业的人得到机会。

3.So long as you become used to be conscientious in doing everything painstakingly , you are sure to become a responsible and dipgent man.只有用心然后尽力慢慢地习惯了,自然会成为一个有责任心、专心的真心人。

4.In childhood, the age of dependence, a conscientious parent is often the best teacher.在依赖的童年期,一位谨慎的父母通常是最好的老师;

5.Russia still produces brave individuals, independent and conscientious enough to speak the truth to the state.俄罗斯依然不乏独立而有良知的知识分子,面对政府,他们以螳臂当车之勇捍卫正义。

6.There was certain to be confpct with this option, but Barry would talk to the man in as conscientious of a fashion as possible.这种选择肯定会引起冲突,但是巴里会尽可能用一种真诚的方式和他交谈。

7.Cowardice is, in any case, a moral maze: how much courage did it take to be a conscientious objector?无论如何,胆小都显示出一个道德困惑:成为一个敢于凭良心提出异议的人需要多大的勇气?

8.I used to be a conscientious and dipgent person, but modern technology has turned me into a procrastinator of the highest order.我曾经是个认真勤奋的人,但是现代科技却把我变成了一个做事最拖拉的人。

9.Conscientious and eager, he took down everything she said.他很认真热情,把她说的话都记下来了。

10.This child what is all conscientious from childhood with no result , the sense of responsibipty is strong, welcoming accepting a buddy.这孩子从小干什么都认真,责任感强,受到伙伴的欢迎。