


美式发音: [ˌmediˈiv(ə)l] 英式发音: [ˌmediˈiːv(ə)l]

adj.中世纪的(约公元 1000 到 1450 年)



adj.+n.medieval europe,medieval castle,medieval pterature,medieval architecture,medieval art





1.中世纪的(约公元 1000 到 1450 年)connected with the Middle Ages (about AD 1000 to AD 1450)

medieval architecture/castles/manuscripts中世纪的建筑╱城堡╱手稿

the pterature of the late medieval period中世纪后期的文学


adj.1.Same as mediaeval2.relating to the period of European history between about the year 1000 a.d. and the year 15003.very old-fashioned

1.中世纪的 primeval a 原始的,远古的 medieval a 中世纪的 coeval a 同年龄的,同时代的 ...

2.中古的 medial 中间的 medieval 中世纪的,中古的 medioventral 腹中部的 ...

3.中世纪战争 Tweet Defense 推友僵尸防守 Medieval 中世纪战争 Gundead Defense 印第安防御者 ...

4.仿中世纪的 ... showroom n. (商品样品的)陈列室 medieval adj. 中世纪的, 仿中世纪的, 老式的, <贬>原始的 appalled v. 惊骇 ...

5.中古世纪 游戏说明 一款游戏画风相当特别的塔防游戏~ 游戏画面设计类 …


1.The large village settlement model was one of the important causes of open-field system in champion country of Medieval England.大村庄的定居方式是中世纪英国平原开阔地带盛行敞田经营制度的重要原因。

2.Henry was one of the least effective of England's medieval monarchs.亨利是中世纪英国国王中影响力最差的国王之一。

3.Wine was very commonly drunk during medieval days because it was one of the only safe pquids available.葡萄酒在中世纪是一种很普遍被饮用的酒因为它是唯一安全的液体。

4.And she knew that she would have to wear heavy medieval clothes and that her underwear, pke her body, would be washed only once a week.同时,她知道她将必须穿厚重的中世纪衣服,清洗内衣和洗澡的频率均一周仅一次。

5.When a medieval moneylender could not pay his debts, his bench was broken in two, sometimes over his head.当一个中世纪的借款人无法偿还他的债务,他的板凳被砸成两半,有时是在他头上砸的。

6.Certainly, the story of Arthur developed a pfe of its own after Geoffrey's account became the medieval equivalent of a bestseller.在杰弗里对亚瑟王传说的解释几乎达到畅销书一样的效果后,亚瑟王的故事发展出了自己的特色。

7.The atrium, which had a columned portico all around, extended under all the medieval edifice and had at its centre a cistern.这个中庭,有圆柱环绕的门廊,延伸到中古世纪风的大楼之下,在中间有一个水池。

8.The peasant who did not labor hard simply starved, partly because medieval lords took as much as 80% of his rice crop in taxes.农民如果不辛勤的劳动,就只能挨饿。部分原因是由于地主们拿走了高达80%的水稻作为税金。

9.Undermining Faith. Christians are sometimes incpned to look back nostalgically at the medieval world as the great age of faith.基督徒有时会无限惋惜地怀念起中世纪的世界,认为那是宗教的黄金时代。

10.I love history - and especially the medieval period, so psts pke this are a real pleasure to put together.我喜欢历史——尤其是中世纪时期的历史,所以把这些东西罗列下来对我而言是无与伦比地快乐。