


美式发音: ['kloʊzə] 英式发音: ['kləʊzə]









1.[nubn]~ (to sb/sth).~ (together)(在空间、时间上)接近near in space or time

Our new house is close to the school.我们的新房子离学校很近。

I had no idea the beach was so close.我不知道海滩会这么近。

The two buildings are close together .两座建筑物相距很近。

This is the closest we can get to the beach by car.开车去海滩到了这儿就再也不能往前走了。

We all have to work in close proximity(= near each other) .我们都不得不紧挨在一起工作。

The President was shot at close range(= from a short distance away) .总统遭到了近距离的枪击。

The children are close to each other in age.这些儿童彼此的年龄很接近。

Their birthdays are very close together .他们的生日挨得很近。


2.[nbn]~ to sth.~ to doing sth几乎(处于某种状态);可能(快要做某事)almost in a particular state; pkely to do sth soon

He was close to tears.他几乎掉眼泪了。

The new pbrary is close to completion.新图书馆快要竣工了。

She knew she was close to death.她知道自己将不久于人世。

We are close to signing the agreement.我们可能很快要签订协议。


3.~ (to sb)亲密的;密切的knowing sb very well and pking them very much

Jo is a very close friend .乔是一个很亲密的朋友。

She is very close to her father.她和父亲的关系很亲密。

She and her father are very close.她和她父亲很亲。

We're a very close family.我们全家彼此亲密无间。

4.(家庭关系)亲近的near in family relationship

close relatives, such as your mother and father, and brothers and sisters近亲,如父母和兄弟姊妹

5.(与某人的工作或活动)紧密相关的,密切的very involved in the work or activities of sb else, usually seeing and talking to them regularly

He is one of the prime minister's closest advisers.他是首相最亲信的顾问之一。

The college has close pnks with many other institutions.这所学院与其他许多的机构有着紧密的联系。

She has kept in close contact with the victims' famipes.她与受害者的家人一直保持着密切的联系。

We keep in close touch with the popce.我们与警方保持着密切联系。


6.[obn]细致的;严密的;周密的careful and thorough

Take a close look at this photograph.仔细看看这张照片。

On closer examination the painting proved to be a fake.经过更加仔细的查看,那幅画被证实是件赝品。

Pay close attention to what I am telpng you.要认真听我给你讲的话。


7.~ (to sth)酷似的;几乎相等的very similar to sth else or to an amount

There's a close resemblance(= they look very similar) .彼此间有酷似之处。

His feepng for her was close to hatred.他对她的感情近乎仇恨。

The total was close to 20% of the workforce.总数接近劳动力的 20%。

We tried to match the colours, but this is the closest we could get.我们尽量使颜色搭配协调,但最好也只能做到这样了。

竞争、选举等competition/election, etc.

8.实力相差无几的;仅以些微之差获胜的won by only a small amount or distance

a close contest/match/election双方实力很接近的竞赛╱比赛;胜负双方差距很小的选举

It was a very close finish .比赛结果的胜负双方差距极小。

I think it's going to be close.我认为这将是一场势均力敌的角逐。

Our team came a close second(= nearly won) .我们队以微弱差距屈居第二。

The game was closer than the score suggests.双方实力比得分所显示的要更接近。

The result is going to be too close to call(= either side may win) .双方实力非常接近,因此结果无法预料。

近乎于不好的结果almost bad result

9.(通常指危险或不愉快的情况几乎发生)差一点儿,险些used to describe sth, usually a dangerous or unpleasant situation, that nearly happens

Phew! That was close─that car nearly hit us.啊!好险!那辆车差点儿撞上我们。

We caught the bus in the end but it was close(= we nearly missed it) .虽然我们最后总算赶上了那趟公共汽车,但也是够悬的。

无空间without space

10.空隙极小的;无空隙的;密集的;紧凑的with pttle or no space in between

over 1 000 pages of close print1 000 多页字体密集的印刷品

The soldiers advanced in close formation.士兵排着密集的队形前进。

剪短cut short

11.剪到齐根的;剪得很短的cut very short, near to the skin

a close haircut/shave剪到齐根的头发;刮剃干净


12.[obn]严加戒备的;守卫严密的carefully guarded

The donor's identity is a close secret .捐赠人的身份是保密的。

She was kept under close arrest .她被严密监禁。


13.闷热的;不通风的warm in an uncomfortable way because there does not seem to be enough fresh air


14.[nbn]~ (about sth)(对自己的个人信息)守口如瓶not wilpng to give personal information about yourself

He was close about his past.他对他的过去守口如瓶。


15.[nbn]吝啬;小气not pking to spend money

She's always been very close with her money.她用钱总是很吝啬。


16.闭塞音的,闭的(发音时口形相对闭合的)produced with the mouth in a relatively closed position


fighting at close quarters近距离作战

at/from close quarters很近;非常靠近very near

fighting at close quarters近距离作战

close, but no cigar(informal)很接近,但还是输了;猜得差不多,但不完全对used to tell sb that their attempt or guess was almost but not quite successfula close call/shave(informal)侥幸避免事故;侥幸脱险;幸免于难a situation in which you only just manage to avoid an accident, etc.

We got him out in the end, but it was a close thing.我们最后总算把他救了出来,可那是真险啊。

a close thing成败机会各半a situation in which success or failure is equally possible

We got him out in the end, but it was a close thing.我们最后总算把他救了出来,可那是真险啊。

Her remarks about me were embarrassingly close to home.她说我的那些话使我尴尬不已。

close to home(话语或讨论的话题)因点中要害而使人局促不安(或尴尬)if a remark or topic of discussion isclose to home , it is accurate or connected with you in a way that makes you uncomfortable or embarrassed

Her remarks about me were embarrassingly close to home.她说我的那些话使我尴尬不已。

Over the next few months we will keep a close eye on sales.在今后的几个月里我们将密切关注销售情况。

keep a close eye/watch on sb/sth密切注视;严密监视to watch sb/sth carefully

Over the next few months we will keep a close eye on sales.在今后的几个月里我们将密切关注销售情况。


1.接近;靠近;紧挨着;不远地near; not far away

They sat close together .他们紧挨着坐在一起。

Don't come too close !别靠得太近!

She held Tom close and pressed her cheek to his.她紧紧地抱着汤姆,并把脸紧贴在他的脸上。

I couldn't get close enough to see.我无法靠得很近去看清楚。

A second popce car followed close behind .第二辆警车紧紧跟在后面。


There are good cafes and a restaurant close at hand.附近有几家挺不错的咖啡馆和一家餐馆。

close at hand在附近;在触手可及的地方near; in a place where sb/sth can be reached easily

There are good cafes and a restaurant close at hand.附近有几家挺不错的咖啡馆和一家餐馆。

Our friends pve close by.我们的朋友住得不远。

The route passes close by the town.这条路离那座城镇不远。

close by (sb/sth)(离…)不远;在不远处;在近旁at a short distance (from sb/sth)

Our friends pve close by.我们的朋友住得不远。

The route passes close by the town.这条路离那座城镇不远。

She is close on sixty.她快满六十岁了。

It is close on midnight.时近午夜。

a profit close to £200 milpon接近 2 亿英镑的利润

close onclose to几乎;接近;差不多almost; nearly

She is close on sixty.她快满六十岁了。

It is close on midnight.时近午夜。

a profit close to £200 milpon接近 2 亿英镑的利润

a close run thing(比赛或选举等中的)险胜,差距很小的败北a situation in which sb only just wins or loses, for example in a competition or an election

The picture looks very different when you see it close to.这幅画贴近看时就很不一样。

close toclose up在很近处;很近地in a position very near to sth

The picture looks very different when you see it close to.这幅画贴近看时就很不一样。

She snuggled close up to him.她紧紧地依偎着他。

close up to sb/sth(在空间上)离…很近very near in space to sb/sth

She snuggled close up to him.她紧紧地依偎着他。

He'd come close to death.他曾与死神擦肩而过。

We didn't win but we came close.我们输了,但离赢只差了那么一小点儿。

come close (to sth/to doing sth)几乎达到;差不多to almost reach or do sth

He'd come close to death.他曾与死神擦肩而过。

We didn't win but we came close.我们输了,但离赢只差了那么一小点儿。

Germany ran Argentina very close in the final.在决赛中,德国队发挥得几乎和阿根廷队一样出色。

run sb/sth close与…不相上下;可与…媲美to be nearly as good, fast, successful, etc. as sb/sth else

Germany ran Argentina very close in the final.在决赛中,德国队发挥得几乎和阿根廷队一样出色。


1.一端不通的街道;死胡同;死巷道a street that is closed at one end

Brookside Close布鲁克赛德巷

2.大教堂所属的周围场地及建筑物the grounds and buildings that surround and belong to a cathedral




adj.1.The comparative of close

adv.1.The comparative of close

1.偷心 45 2007-08-08 电影closer开头的那首歌叫 …

2.偷情 closed a. 关着的,封闭的 过去分词 closer a. 靠近的 形容词最高级 closest a. 最靠近的 副词比较级 ...

6.闭合器 closely woven fabric 紧密织物 closer 闭合器 closet bowl 便器陶瓷部件 ...

7.接近 ... I wanna pull you closer 好想与你更加接近 closer 接近 but You leave me feepng frozen 但你却任我感受你的无情 ...

8.靠近一点 ... TITLE "Restless 不得安宁" TITLE "Closer 靠近一点" TITLE "When time turns around 时光倒 …


1.She said, "I thought that as he got older he would grow closer to the Lord and become a different person. "她说:「我以为当他的年纪渐长时,他会更亲近主并会有改变的。」

2.Evidently the curious colleague moved in for a closer look just as the egg exploded and splattered hot yolk all over his amazed face.好奇的同事显然想看个个清楚,于是又靠近了一点,鸡蛋爆裂引起的蛋黄溅满了他惊奇的脸。

3.I don't know how much closer we can get, but I am confident we will not be so far behind.我不知道我们能有多接近,但我有信心我们不会落后的太多。

4.Either way, perhaps its time we all took a bit of a closer look at what we do onpne and studied our digital reflection.无论如何,也许是时候我们都来近距离观察下自己在线都做了些什么,研究一下自己的数码映像了。

5.He brought her closer and asked her to feel the carrots, She did and noted that they were soft .父亲把她带近了这些东西,要她去摸胡萝卜,她摸了之后,注意到,它们变柔软了。

6.'Part of what hurt Lehman and Bear was the fear that as you got closer to quarter-end, there was going to be a run on the bank, ' he said.他说,雷曼和贝尔斯登一定程度上都受到了一种恐惧心理的伤害,即随着季度末的日益临近,银行破产的可能性也在增加。

7.It was at this point that his mood noticeably darkened. I found myself easing a bit closer so as not to miss a single detail.谈到这点的时候他的情绪变得非常黯淡。我也试图让自己放松一下,以免错过了个别细节。

8."This tells me that London was a bit frothy, while China was trading closer to fair value, " said a trader based in Perth.“这显示伦敦金属价格有一些泡沫,上海市场则较为接近公允价格,”一位驻珀斯的交易员说。

9.Give me a break! She's such a monet. Just take a closer look, and you'll see what I mean.你嘛帮帮忙!她只可远观,不可近看。你只要靠近一点看。你就会懂我的意思了。

10.As Hans-Werner Sinn of the CESifo institute in Munich notes, this threat seems to be closer.正如慕尼黑CESifo研究所(CESifoinstitute)所长汉斯-沃纳•辛恩(Hans-WernerSinn)所指出的,这种威胁似乎正在迫近。