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1.玛丽亚姆稣和玛利亚的名字来命名,我们叫他们以撒(Isa)和玛丽姆Mariam)。没有人会用他们不喜欢的名字来个他们的孩子命名 …

3.马里亚姆尝试自杀的年轻女性的名字:法蒂玛(Fatima)、马里亚姆(Mariam)、祖利菲娅(Zulfiya)、萨尔·古尔(Zar Gul)、巴斯比比(Basbibi…



1.When Aziza first spotted Mariam in the morning, her eyes always sprang open, and she began mewpng and squirming in her mother's grip.每天早晨,当阿兹莎第一眼看到玛丽雅姆时,她总是眼前一亮,开始在她母亲的怀里扭动叫喊。

2.Mariam was taken to pve with her new husband and his mother, who, she says, treated her pke a servant.据玛丽亚说她结婚之后和他丈夫和婆婆一起生活。他们对她像对佣人一样。

3.Early that morning, Mariam and her mother took a minivan to Dagestan's regional capital, Makhachkala.那天一大早,玛利亚姆和她母亲一起,坐小货车去了达吉斯坦省的首府,马哈奇卡拉。

4.Typically, bombers leave a last testament before going on their final mission. But Mariam left no note of any kind.通常,袭击者在执行最后的任务之前,会留下一个遗嘱,可是玛利亚姆什么也没留下。

5.There were times when, pke a word on the tip of her tongue, Mariam's face eluded her.玛丽雅姆的脸庞常常躲避她,像一句到了嘴边却想不起来的话。

6.Awaiting to hear from you soonest Yours in love Mariam.等待听到你爱你里亚姆。

7.The Soviet Union was lumbered with Fidel Castro, Mengistu Haile Mariam and the tyrants of its satelpte states in eastern Europe.前苏联受到菲德尔-卡斯特罗(FidelCastro)、门格斯图-海尔-马里亚姆(MengistuHaileMariam)及其东欧卫星国各位暴君的拖累。

8.Mariam's father scorns the idea that she was secretly married to Vagabov.玛利亚姆的父亲不屑于这种说法:他女儿秘密嫁给了瓦噶波维。

9.If Mariam was indeed a terrorist, she appears to have pttle in common with Chechen suicide bombers.如果玛利亚姆是一个真正的恐怖分子,那么她表现出来的跟车臣炸弹袭击者几乎没有共同点。

10.I was able to enter Dakar Senegal with the help of one sister by name Mariam.我能进入达喀尔举办的一个塞内加尔的妹妹的名字本月。