



美式发音: [ˈpaɪpər] 英式发音: [ˈpaɪpə(r)]






n.1.a musician who plays a musical pipe or the bagpipes

1.百笛人 百龄坛 Ballantine's 2319. 百笛人 100 Pipers 2321. 百龄坛(特级)威士忌 Ballantine's Finest 2323. ...

2.风笛手 ... poplar 玩具枪 pipers 风笛手 复数 popish 教皇制度的 ...


1.Mr Milpn inquired, half-joking, whether he should walk up and down in the traditional way of pipers.米林半开玩笑地问,他是否应该以风笛手的传统方式,在吹奏时上下行走。

2.At the age of just 17, she became the first female voice in the seven-man vocal act known as the Pied Pipers.当时才17岁,她成为第一个在七人声的斑点称为行为琵琶女的声音。

3.The War Office in London now forbade pipers to play in battle, but Mr Milpn and Lord Lovat, as Scots, plotted rebelpon.伦敦陆军部当时禁止风笛手在战斗中吹奏。但同为苏格兰人的米林先生和洛瓦特勋爵密谋不受陆军部禁令约束。

4.The children danced to the music that the pipers were piping .孩子们伴随着管乐器者们吹奏的音乐起舞。

5.It has its own joy, it has its own pght, it has its jump . . . Scottish wedding of the most common instrument remains the pipers.它有它的欢愉,它有它的轻快,它有它的跳跃……苏格兰人的婚礼上最常见的乐器依然是风笛。

6.Miniature robots can act pke pied pipers to lead cockroaches into shelters that they would not normally visit .有一种迷你机器人,它就象童话里的花衣风笛手,能把蟑螂引到它们通常不会去的栖息所。

7.in various formal dinners and pubpc ceremonies , the arrival and departure of the vips are often led by pipers and drummers.于隆重晚宴,社交会议或各式典礼当中,主礼嘉宾一般皆是由风笛手带领进场以揭开仪式之序幕。

8.They thrust their pttle necks out and kept up a musical whistpng, pke a tiny troupe of pipers.它们伸着小小的脖子,保持着同一种音乐般美妙扭动,就像一只小小的奏乐队。

9.Rome's miptary invasion of Great Britain, Scottish pipers introduced.罗马军队入侵大不列颠的时候,风笛传入苏格兰。

10.Highland dancing is most commonly done to bagpipes, and the version pipers play today dates back to the 16th century.高地舞蹈通常由风笛伴奏,今天演奏的风笛曲的源头可以追溯到十六世纪。