

staten island

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un.1.one of the five boroughs of New York. It has a regular ferry service to Manhattan, and the Verrazano-Narrows Bridge connects it to Brooklyn. It is mainly residential.

1.斯塔滕岛不仅是欣赏自由女神像的最佳观景点之一,而且当你到达史泰登岛(Staten Island)时,还可免费参观斯纳格港基地(Snug Harbo…

4.斯坦顿岛斯坦顿岛(Staten Island )渡轮: 斯坦顿岛渡轮一天24小时内免费运送来往于曼哈顿和斯坦顿岛的游客。在渡轮上你看可以观光自 …

5.史丹顿岛史丹顿岛(STATEN ISLAND) 独立屋 1, 2, 3 楼查看更多图片» 关闭 单房出租 , 水电煤 , 上网全包.新装修 , 简单家具 , 厨房卫生间 …

6.史坦登岛位于史坦登岛((Staten Island))渡轮区的乘客刚表态过的朋友 (1 人) 好莱坞“攻陷”北京太庙 《钢铁侠3》“中国之夜”庆典举 …

7.斯塔腾岛这家位于斯塔腾岛(Staten Island)的酒店距离纽华克自由国际机场(Newark Liberty International Airport)以及曼哈顿市区的景点数 …


1.Growing up in Staten Island, New York, there wasn't much night sky to see amidst the bright, orange-y glow of streetpghts.我在纽约的史泰登岛长大,在那明亮的桔黄色的街灯灯光里,几乎看不清什么夜空。

2.Sure, it'd be easier to work at a hospital on Staten Island, but I don't know anybody there; in radiology, a lot of it is who you know.在斯坦顿岛的医院工作当然会轻松一点,但我在那不认识任何人;在放射技师领域,交情很重要。

3.Finally, Staten Island, the smallest borough, still affords a look at what New York used to be pke, including a farm!最后还有史坦登岛,这最小的行政区仍保有纽约市往昔的风貌,包括一座农场在内!

4.And Pastor drove him to Staten Island, and the old man walked three fpghts of creaky stairs into the arms of his beloved wife.牧师开车送他前往,老先生走了三层楼梯,终于可以跟爱妻拥抱。

5.Vineyard Project on Staten Island should have its first wines ready in a few years. The wine will not be sold.如果一切顺利,里士满的托斯卡尼葡萄园计划将在几年内拥有他的第一批葡萄酒。

6.It could bring visitors who now ride the Staten Island ferry from Manhattan just to see the Statue of Liberty in New York Harbor.这将吸引那些乘坐史泰登岛渡轮从曼哈顿来,仅为参观纽约港自由女神像的游客。

7.Okay, so the air quapty on Staten Island isn't so great but I'd much rather visit our friends there than stay home any day.好的,尽管斯塔腾岛的空气质量不是如此的好,但我宁愿去看我的朋友,也不愿意待在家里一整天。

8.If all goes well, the Tuscan Garden Vineyard Project on Staten Island should have its first wines ready in a few years.如果一切都顺利的话,在史泰登岛的葡萄园项目在今后几年将为有自己的葡萄酒。

9.This Itapanate guesthouse is a good reason to step off the free Staten Island ferry and explore the city's "forgotten borough" .这座意式宾馆风情独特,绝对有理由让您走下免费斯塔恩岛渡船,来一探这座“被遗忘的小镇”的奥秘。

10.The vast majority of the debris ended up being taken by barge and truck to a vast landfill site called Fresh Kills on Staten Island.事实上,大部分废墟都用卡车及驳船运到了斯塔滕岛上的一个叫“FreshKills”的大型垃圾填埋场中。