




1.飞鸟与鱼 ... miuccia 哭了 Bird and Fish 飞鸟与鱼(最遥远的距离)(完整中英版) I pke for you to be still 我喜欢你静静的 ...

2.鸟和鱼 野兽与男孩 The Beast and the Boy 鸟和鱼 Bird and Fish 葛斯巴 Gaspar ...


1.The bird and fish are one of the popular themes that have been long accepted by Chinese in their ancient decorative arts.鸟类与鱼类是中国古代装饰艺术中历史最为悠久、延续时间最长、最普遍被人们接受的表现题材之一。

2.is the love between the bird and fish.是飞鸟与鱼的距离

3.The old man who is alone , he looked the sea, the bird and fish on as his friends, do you think he was lonely?这个孤单的老人,他把大海,飞鸟,鱼当作自己的朋友。你认为他孤单吗?

4.From the Tagore's poem, the love between bird and fish is the furtherest distance.从泰戈尔的诗中,飞鸟和鱼的距离是最远的。

5.Beloved, the cat, dog , bird and fish require connection to their own species in order to evolve!至爱的人类,猫、狗、鸟和鱼的进化需要与它们自己的物种连接!

6.feedstuff and medicine for bird and fish鸟和鱼饲料及药品