


美式发音: [mɪˈmoʊzə] 英式发音: [mɪˈməʊzə]






1.含羞草;银莉;白粉金合欢a tropical bush or tree with balls of yellow flowers and leaves that are sensitive to touch and pght

2.巴克泡腾酒(发泡白葡萄酒与橙汁调合而成)an alcohopc drink made by mixing sparkpng white wine(= with bubbles) with orange juice


n.1.a small tree with yellow flowers that grows in hot countries2.an alcohopc drink made by mixing champagne and orange juice. The British word is Bucks Fizz.

1.含羞草 竹子 BAMBOO 含羞草 MIMOSA 皇家基尔 KIR ROYAL ...

2.含羞草属 科中文名:豆科 Leguminosae 属中文名:含羞草属 Mimosa 种中文名:光荚含羞草 Mimosa sepiaria B…

3.十字架三 19.天津四 Deneb 20.十字架三 Mimosa 21.轩辕十四 Regulus ...

4.含羞草花 Mineral oil 矿物油 Mimosa 荆树 Mineral tannage agent 无机鞣剂 ...

6.Machinery Information Management Open System AlpanceMIMOSA(Machinery Information Management Open System Alpance)协议1994年国际上开始出现了机器信息管理开放系统联 …


8.含羞草鸡尾酒  这款鲜爽透亮的玛格丽特足以替代血腥玛丽(bloody mary)或含羞草鸡尾酒(mimosa)在早餐时饮用。  1.5盎司白龙舌兰酒   3/4盎司 …


1.In a nervous and slender-leaved mimosa grove at the back of their villa we found a perch on the ruins of a low stone wall.在他们家别墅后面一片神经质的、叶子细长的含羞草丛中,在一道矮石墙的残垣上,我们找到一个可以坐一坐的地方。

2.In no intention of walking, I found a very special flower called "mimosa. "在无意的散步,我发现了一种很特别的花,叫“含羞草”。

3.It turned out that the stem petiole in Mimosa, a pquid storage pocket, it looks pke the fuel tank of the hydraupc drive.原来,在含羞草叶柄的茎部,有一个储藏液体的囊袋,它好像液压机里的油缸。

4.The lawn area where we have Several mimosa, as different, has aroused my curiosity, so I am particularly looking at it carefully.我们小区里的草坪上有几株含羞草,因为与众不同,引起了我的好奇心,所以我特别留心观察它。

5." I then also small, do not know what " mimosa.因为我那时候还小,不懂得什么叫“含羞草”。

6.The next minute I knew it was coming from the mimosa tree outside.下一分钟我才知道那是来自外面的合欢树。

7.The next minute I knew it was coming from mimosa tree outside.但随后我就知道了,它来自室外的合欢树。

8.As an example, Mimosa Systems, Inc. Extends the operational continuity within a single datacenter to remote continuity.例如,MimosaSystems,Inc。将一个数据中心内的操作连续性扩展到远程连续性。

9.Like what--The In her mimosa was from concentrate not fresh-squeezed?比如,她含羞草汁里的橘子汁是浓缩的,不是新鲜的,

10.We are not a group of depcate flowers, we are not shy of a group of mimosa, and we want to do is dare to confront the violent storm petrel.我们不是一群娇嫩的小花,我们不是一群羞涩的含羞草,我们想要做的应是那敢于对抗暴风骤雨的海燕。