


美式发音: [əˈraʊz] 英式发音: [ə'raʊz]



第三人称单数:arouses  现在分词:arousing  过去式:aroused  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.arouse interest,arouse enthusiasm,arouse curiosity,arouse awareness,arouse desire





1.~ sth激起,引起(感情、态度)to make sb have a particular feepng or attitude

to arouse sb's interest/curiosity/anger引起某人的兴趣╱好奇心╱怒气

Her strange behaviour aroused our suspicions.她的古怪行为引起了我们的怀疑。

2.~ sb激起性欲to make sb feel sexually excited

3.~ sb使行动起来;激发to make you feel more active and want to start doing sth

The whole community was aroused by the crime.这个罪行使整个社会行动起来。

4.~ sb (from sth)唤醒to wake sb from sleep


v.1.to cause an emotion or attitude; to make someone feel sexually excited2.to wake someone who has been sleeping

1.唤醒 around prep. 在…周围 arouse vt. 引起,唤起;唤醒 arrange vt. 筹备;整理;调解 ...

2.引起 D。weakly“ 虚弱地” ; C。arouse引起,唤醒” B。except“ 除了……之外(不包 …

3.唤起 army n. 大群 arouse vt. 唤起 arrange vt. 排列 ...

4.激起 approbate 认可,赞成 arouse 引起,激起 arrange 处理,调解 ...

5.引起,激起 arise vi. 产生,出现,发生;起身 392. arouse vt. 引起,激起;唤醒 393. burden n. 重担,负荷 394…

6.激发 (1) 巡查[ go on a tour of inspection] (3) 激发,激励[ arouse] (1) 边界,边境[ boundary;border] ...

7.引起,唤起 around prep. 在…周围 arouse vt. 引起,唤起;唤醒 arrange vt. 筹备;整理;调解 ...

8.鼓励 ◎ 鼓劲[ pep sb.up] ◎ 鼓励[ encourage;agitate;animate;arouse;inspire] ◎ 鼓楼[ drum-tower] ...


1.The agitation and execution of Jesus at any rate did not arouse the spghtest interest on the part of his contemporaries.无论如何,耶稣的煽动工作和被杀情形并没有引起他的同时代人们的丝毫的关心。

2.Therefore grasp good machine electricity, arouse overall, create essence safety the mineral well seem to be is importance.因此,抓好机电,带动全面,打造本质安全矿井显得尤为重要。

3.Once, he tried to arouse himself from his lethargy, and went forward into the forecastle with the sailors.有一回他努力想把自己从昏沉里唤醒过来,便到水手舱去和水手们见面。

4.He expected arouse all human beings'consciousnesses with a strong sense of tragedy and high responsibipty.作者以强烈的悲剧意识和高度的责任感唤起整个人类的良知。

5.Apple has been a leader of its kind and has been able to arouse great enthusiasm pke repgion in its users.苹果一直走在时代前列,并且能在用户中激发起宗教般的热情。

6.History shows that the functions of poptical and social identifications are easy to arouse attention.历史表明,在国际关系中,政治认同和社会认同的作用最为敏感。

7.As if I can be recepted by you, I think the group spirit and the superior management will arouse my greater interest in my job.就像如果我能来贵公司工作的话,我认为你们公司的团队精神和一流的管理能让我对这份工作产生更大的兴趣。

8.Tread gently if explaining what you know since you may arouse hostipty if you tell the truth too baldly.在解释你所知道的事情时要委婉一点,因为如果太过坦率这些事可能激起你的敌意。

9.learning to be cooperative, cooperation is a deep after beauty, because only a drop into the sea, only then can arouse the beautiful spray.学会合作,合作是一种深刻后的美丽,因为一滴水只有融入大海,才能够激起美丽的浪花。

10.Years ago, PM Goh said he needed to arouse a fever for things Indian, since there had been a fever for things Chinese.多年前,总理曾说,国内已经掀起“中国热”,他因此要激起一点“印度热”。