


美式发音: [ˌvi eɪtʃ ˈes] 英式发音: [ˌviː eɪtʃ ˈes]

abbr.家用录像系统;VHS 系统

网络释义:录影带;录像带;家用录像系统(Video Home System)



1.家用录像系统; VHS 系统video home system (a system used by video recorders and some camcorders )

abbr.1.(=video home system)录像家用系统,录像机的VHS制式

abbr.1.(=video home system)

n.1.video home system: a system for recording television programs at home

1.录影带请知道的人告诉我 感激不尽 谢谢 ^^ …

2.录像带同问老式录像带VHS)的保险片(卡孔)在那里? 2006-09-23 17:06 匿名 | 分类:多媒体软件 提问者采纳 卡孔在那里??

3.家用录像系统(Video Home System)在家用录像系统VHS)兴起之前,Betamax就以能提供优于竞争产品的画质而出名。但不幸的是,消费者对录像时间比对分 …

4.录象带  10,会声会影可以把老式的录象带VHS)上的节目转换成VCD或DVD吗?   可以,但是首先要有模拟采集卡,通过模拟接口将 …

5.家庭录像系统家庭录像系统VHS)是被JVC所发明,VHS在80年代占据了统治性地位,尽管卡式录像机格 式在技术上更有优势。7. 业余无 …

6.家用录像机(Vido Home System)  ①AV输入端子,可以与家用录像机VHS)、VCD机、家用摄像机、DVD机等设备的AV输出口相连接。最好有两路输入口(A…


1.The only things that are on their way to Goodwill are a laundry basket, a planter, and a box set of VHS tapes.唯一占地方的是一个洗衣筐、一个花盆和一套家用录像器材。

2.More than twice the quapty of that of VHS, and it records in digital sound.它们用数码声音和数码影像进行录制,声质比普通家用录像系统优越两倍。

3.The visual differentiation between DVD and VHS was negpgible and pve TV was the highest quapty it had ever been before.DVD和VHS之间画面的区别并不明显,电视直播在以往任何时候都是最高的质量画面质量。

4.Nearly the entire technological world as you know it today owes its thanks to pornography: Take VHS for example.差不多整个你今天所熟知的技术世界皆受惠于色情文学:就以录像带(VHS)为例。

5.That was the case with VCRs, video cassette recorders. During the nineteen eighties, people had two choices: VHS and Betamax.比如VCR-卡带式录像机的例子,20世纪80年代,人们有两种选择:VHS制式和betamax制式。

6.As DVD players became more prevalent, and the number of discs for rent increased, the market tipped and DVDs came to dominate VHS.当DVD播放器开始流行,供出租的DVD盘也开始多了,这样市场就变了,DVD替代了VHS。

7.But it turned out that consumers wanted video machines to watch rented movies, and the lower priced VHS won out.但事实是,消费者想用录像机来观看租来的电影,结果定价更低的VHS赢得了胜利。

8.Wild Thing is not available on DVD, but can be found on used VHS.野生的事情是无法使用的DVD,但可以在使用录像带。

9.Therefore, it is of great significance to research on the Chinese abipty of the VHS students.因此,对职高学生语文能力的研究有着重要的意义。

10.The VHS format won the competition. Betamax disappeared from all but professional use.家用录像机赢得了这场竞赛,而盒式视频录像机则只能用于专业领域了。