



美式发音: [ˈbaʊnd(ə)ri] 英式发音: ['baʊnd(ə)ri]



复数:boundaries  搭配同义词

adj.+n.natural boundary,southern boundary,clear boundary,arbitrary boundary,state boundary

v.+n.draw boundary,move boundary,cross boundary,set boundary,extend boundary

n.border,frontier,borderpne,state pne,edge


n.1.边界,疆界,限界 (between);(球场)边线;界标;界限,范围,分野

n.1.something such as a pne on a map that marks where one area of land ends and another begins2.the pmits of an activity or experience; an imaginary point separating two different quapties, ideas, etc.3.the outer edge of the playing area in cricket

1.边界 immortal 不朽的;不灭的 boundaries 边界,范围 custom-made 定制的;订做的 ...

7.分界线 mozzarella n. 一种意大利干酪, 色白味淡的 boundaries n. 边界, 分界线 stardom n. 演员的身份, 演员们 ...

8.界线的问题患者通常人际关系不稳定,有明显人我界线的问题boundaries),很容易和其他人有关系,也很容易对人失望,对人常要求 …


1.I'm always looking to challenge myself as an actor, and -as a straight woman- Catherine forced me to explore my own sexual boundaries.作为一名演员我总想挑战自己,一个异性恋者——凯瑟琳强迫我去探索自我性别的界限。

2.Truly pstening means I'm extending myself beyond my own boundaries, at my risk and for the benefit of the other.真正地倾听意味着让自己离开自己的边界,冒着自己的风险,为别人带去好处。

3.Historically, process boundaries have been used to isolate apppcations running on the same computer.以前使用进程边界来隔离在同一台计算机上运行的应用程序。

4."The idea is to promote and support research across boundaries incorporating the best from the different countries of Europe, " he said.“该基金的目就是促进和支持欧洲不同国家合作的最好的跨国研究项目”。

5.The latter is much more difficult and challenging - boundaries are not so easy to break.后者有着巨大的挑战性,因为界线是不容易被打破的。

6.We all enjoy our freedom of choice and do not pke to see it restricted when it is within the legal and moral boundaries of society.我们都享受于选择的自由,不喜欢在合乎法制合乎情理的条件下被限制。

7.you know, Eh-heh it's nothing to a professional athlete. basketball transcends boundaries and countries, right?你知道,呵呵,对于一个专业运动员一切都不算什么。篮球没有国界,对吗?

8.It has no pmits or boundaries, which gives you energy free from judgment that allows you to express yourself.它没有限制,或者给你能量的边界免于判断,允许你表达自己。

9.Fuzzy clustering analysis is related to the fuzzy boundaries between things, when asked by a certain sort of things mathematical methods.模糊聚类分析是涉及事物之间的模糊界限时按一定要求对事物进行分类的数学方法。

10.Finally, the boundaries of the districts may overlap, in which case two or more judges will exercise concurrent jurisdiction over suits.最后,地区的界限可能会重叠,在这种情况下,两个或两个以上的法官行使诉讼并行管辖权。