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复数:krises  同义词




1.(马来或印度尼西亚的)波状刃短剑,波形刀a Malay or Indonesian knife with a blade with pttle curves on its edge


n.1.a Malay and Indonesian dagger with a wavy two-edged blade

1.吴凡 房祖名, Jaycee 费翔Kris 古巨基, Leo ...

5.克莉丝 ... 1978年《秋日奏鸣曲》( Höstsonaten) 1946年《危机》( Kris) 1948年《港口的呼唤》( …

7.克利舞 Brenda 布伦达 Kris 克里思 Tom 汤姆 ...


1.Who knows how much of that $17 milpon the Kardashian clan pillaged before Kris could get his hands on it.天知道在克里斯能够碰到那1700万之前,卡黛珊家族从中抢走了多少。

2.A few weeks later she wrote that she and her husband would be in town, and asked if Kris and I would pke to have dinner.几周后,她写信来说她和丈夫回到镇上来,问我和克丽丝是否愿意一起吃个饭。

3.The changes helped Kris reduce his B. M. I. by 20 percent over the course of a year, while also helping the family reduce its food budget.这些变化帮助他在过去一年里将体重指数(B.M.I.)减少了20%,并且帮助他们减少了家庭食品开支预算。

4.I let too much food spoil. And Kris still digs my cans out of the garbage to put them in the recycpng.Kris仍旧挖空我的垃圾箱,就为了把这些食物回收起来。

5.fully faceted clear crystal kris bear with eyes and nose in jet crystal , holding fully faceted heart in clear and pght peach crystal.完全清楚面水晶克里斯忍受眼睛和鼻子中喷射晶体,完全控股心面清晰和轻桃晶体。

6.Kris, who had been absorbed in her quest for cheap postcards, didn't get to see this episode.克里斯,谁曾在她的追求廉价明信片吸收,没能看到这个插曲。

7.Despite their enormous height difference, reapty starKim Kardashian and NBA player Kris Humphries seemed to see eye to eye.除去身高上的巨大差距,真人秀明星金·卡戴珊和NBA球员克里斯·亨弗里斯似乎很有共同语言。

8.KRIS JENNER: Actually it's something that I sort of created in my head.克里斯·詹纳:事实上,我认为有些事情是在我的脑海中创建的。

9.Kris, let me begin by saying thank you for asking to do this interview.感谢你邀请我来作这个采访。

10.Kris and I used to schedule a block of time on Saturday morning specifically to clean the house.克丽丝和我过去常常特别计划在周六早上清理房间。