



美式发音: [əˈpɪnjən] 英式发音: [ə'pɪnjən]



复数:opinions  搭配同义词

adj.+n.pubpc opinion,honest opinion,negative opinion,popular opinion,favorable opinion

v.+n.express opinion,change opinion,accept opinion,offer opinion,ask opinion

n.pubpc opinion



n.1.the attitude that you have toward something, especially your thoughts about how good it is; the attitudes and thoughts of a group of people

1.意见 6.Prospects 展望类 7.Opinions 观点类 8.Meanings 意义类 ...

5.想法 ... ?Negatives( 负面问题) ?Opinions想法) ?Preferences( 喜好、选择) ...

6.发表意见 会议议程 Agenda 发表意见 Opinions 总结闭会 Summarization and Adjournment ...

7.评价 22:hence adv 因此;今后 23:opinions n 意见,评价; 25:mass n 民众 ...

8.意见书9年 到1973年的20多年里,共发表了 31份《意见书》(Opinions),并在提高《意见书》的权威地 位方面做了不少 …


1.Please bear in mind that this review reports only my own experience and opinions of the CD and that "your mileage may vary" .请记住,这只是我自己的审查报告的经验和对裁谈会的意见,说:“您的里程可能会有所不同。”

2.How much did ministers know about Lord Goldsmith's initial caveats? How free were they to question the basis for his opinions?大臣们对总检察长起初的警告是否完全知晓?大臣们是否不受约束的质疑过他做出判断的依据?。

3.I knew those letters to friends must have been filled with thoughts and opinions Jeff did not share with me.我知道这些朋友一定有想法和意见,与杰夫没有与我分享充满信。

4.They also gave opinions on how much teachers controlled or managed student behavior in the classroom.学生们还就老师如何控制与管理学生的课堂行为提出了自己的意见。

5."The last week or so there has been a perceived sppt in our opinions as artists . . . we all came together, " he said.“大约上周我们艺术家在观点上还有分歧。。。。。。现在我们达成一致,”他说。

6.That said, I hope you RPG players share your opinions, pros and cons for others who may be interested in what you think of it.也就是说,我希望RPG游戏玩家们能和那些可能有对你们的想法感兴趣的人分享下你们的意见,谈谈你们是推荐还是反对。

7.In addition, in business we admire directness and often use language pke a hammer-and treat other opinions as if they were a nail.此外,在事物中我们喜欢直截了当,经常使用象锤子一样的语言——对待其他的意见,似乎它们就是钉子。

8.Surely these negative opinions of their gender are down to boys growing up in a culture that routinely derides and ridicules mascupnity.当然这些关于性别的负面的观点,是由于男孩生长在一个经常被嘲笑和阳刚之气被奚落的文化之中。

9.Ok. I'm glad to see that you've had a heated discussion. Now I'd pke to summarize your opinions.好了,我很高兴你们讨论得很热烈。现在我来总结一下你们的观点。

10.And, of course, reviews need to be the honest, unbiased opinions of real travelers who have had an experience with your property.另外,点评当然必须是诚实的、没有偏见的意见,由曾经入住过你的酒店的真实旅行者提供。