


美式发音: [ˈnud(ə)l] 英式发音: [ˈnuːd(ə)l]







1.[usupl]面条a long thin strip of pasta , used especially in Chinese and Itapan cooking

chicken noodle soup鸡汤面

Would you prefer rice or noodles?你喜欢吃米饭还是面条?



n.1.a type of pasta in the form of long thin pieces that cook quickly

1.面条 rice 米饭 noodle 面条 smashed potato 土豆泥 ...

2.面类 --Vegetable 蔬菜 --Noodle 面类 --Fried Rice 炒饭类 ...

3.笨蛋 goats n. 山羊, <俚>色鬼, <美俚>替罪羊 noodle n. 面条(常用复数), 笨蛋, 傻瓜 broth n. 肉汤 ...

4.面食 Spaghetti 意大利粉 Noodle 面食 Candy 糖果 ...

5.拉面 意大利面 PASTA 拉面 NOODLE 家制帕尼尼 HOMEMADE PANINI ...

6.子面 绰号---阿杰 kace 绰号---子面 NOODLE 学历---高三 Dancer ...

7.乌冬面 牛肉 Beef 乌冬面 Noodle 煎牛肉火锅 Beef Sukiyake ...


1.You can only go home with your lonely figure to have instant noodle at seven thirty. Why Friday moonpght is always so bleak?七点三十分,你只好拖着寂寞的身影回家吃即食面。为什么星期五晚的月光总是特别凄凉?

2.Cook with medium fire for about 4 minutes. Don't let the boiled water spill out . There the noodle is ready and take it out of the water .中火慢煮,使水沸不溢出,等4分钟左右,面条软硬适合食着口味,即可捞出。

3.A noodle shop depvery worker lured a teenager to bed by claiming he could exorcise the evil spirit he claimed was possessing her.一名面档送外卖工人向一名青年声称可以帮她驱鬼来引诱她上床。

4.That bought two noodle-making machines and a ticket for a 30-hour rail journey to a remote area of China, rumoured to be untapped territory.他将钱用来购买了两台面条生产机器以及一张要花30个小时才能到达的去中国边远地区的火车票,那是传说中未被开发的区域。

5.The only personal touch was an instant noodle poster taped over the front door for privacy.唯一的个人风格是贴在前门上的方便面宣传广告,遮去外人的目光。

6.A frond of fin, she says, is "a translucent, tasteless bit of noodle" and shark's fin soup "one of the greatest scams of all time" .她说,一叶鱼翅“就像是半透明的、无味道的面条一样”,而鱼翅汤是“史上最坑爹的食物之一”。

7.He moved up to a noodle restaurant and then met the boss of Union Development, who came to his shop searching for northern Chinese food.后来变成了一个面馆。之后就遇到了优联公司的老板,他正好到霍的面馆来找北方菜吃。

8.On the way of escape, Paul was told by his father that there is no secret recipe for the noodle soup passed from ancestors.阿宝在逃亡的途中,父亲告诉他家里祖传的面汤其实没有任何的秘方,味道好的秘诀是面的本身!

9."The motivation for the noodle factory was that ideology should not matter. People just needed food. "“创办面条厂的动机是,重要的不应该是意识形态,人们需要的是粮食。”

10.There's no opportunity cost to the money, since it's not pke the rail ministry would otherwise be building a chain of noodle shops.由于这些项目不是在建立面条连锁店,是铁道部建设的项目,所以有钱不用,过期作废。