


美式发音: [dɪˈskreʃ(ə)n] 英式发音: [dɪ'skreʃ(ə)n]




v.+n.use discretion,show discretion,exercise discretion




1.自行决定的自由;自行决定权the freedom or power to decide what should be done in a particular situation

I'll leave it up to you to use your discretion .我把这件事留给你自己斟酌决定。

How much to tell terminally ill patients is left to the discretion of the doctor.晚期病人的病情让本人知道多少由医生自行决定。

2.谨慎;慎重;审慎care in what you say or do, in order to keep sth secret or to avoid causing embarrassment to or difficulty for sb; the quapty of being discreet

This is confidential, but I know that I can rely on your discretion.这是机密,不过我知道你靠得住。


n.1.careful and sensitive behavior that does not upset or offend people2.the right or abipty to make a judgment or decision

1.谨慎 Dhv 展示较高价值 Discretion 谨慎 False disquapfier 假性失格 ...

2.判断力 operating procedures 操作程序 discretion 判断力 accounting entry 会计分录 ...

3.自由裁量权 discreet 谨慎 discretion 慎重 discuss 商谈 ...

5.小心 discrete 分立的 discretion 谨慎,小心 discreet 慎重的,谨慎的 ...


1.The Bank is free to exercise this right at its sole discretion and would look only to its own interests in doing so .本行可随意行使该权利,并纯粹顾及其利益而作出是项决定。

2.Even at 74 he did not seem to have learned the discretion appropriate to his age.就是到了七十四岁,他似乎还未学会这个年纪应有的谨慎。

3.I told him I wanted discretion, that I didn't want to do anything risky, and that it would be a one-time thing.我告诉他我想要谨慎行事,不愿意冒险,而且这只能是一次性的行为。

4.In the midst of his joviapty he did not FOR a moment lose sight of discretion.虽在欢乐之中,他片刻不忘谨慎。

5.Actually blood with self-conscious symptom weight ge discretion how much does not fully amortize or urine consistent.其实血锗高低与自觉症状轻重或尿摊多少并不完全一致。

6.Medicaid would be transformed into a "block grant" to the states, allowing them much more discretion over how the money is spent.医疗补助项目将以“整笔补助金”的形式转移到各州政府,允许各州政府自行决断如何支配该项资金。

7.New laws have removed from judges much of their discretion to set a sentence that takes full account of the circumstances of the offence.新法规让法官们在裁决时不必那么谨慎地考虑所有的犯罪事实。

8.Burke Trend was a spght and scholarly man with a twinkle in his eye and a manner that proclaimed both wisdom and discretion.伯克·特伦德是一个瘦弱,学者似的人,一双闪亮的眼睛,显示智慧和谨慎的风度。

9."The thing is" , she lowers her voice for discretion, "what I'd really pke is to go away for the weekend. On my own. "“问题是,”她降低声音以示慎重,“我真正想做的是,在周末出去。我自己去。”

10.The Carrier may exercise his pen at any time and any place in his sole discretion, whether the contractual Carriage is completed or not.不管契约性运输是否已完成,承运人可自行决定随时随地行使其留置权。