


网络释义:国民幸福总值(Gross National Happiness);国民幸福指数;国家幸福力


1.国民幸福总值(Gross National Happiness)清洁品质符合国际标准,让台北车站环境永续,进而提升国民幸福总量(GNH),让世界走进台湾,让台湾迈向世界。



1.These ideas have penetrated the popcy arena, starting in Bhutan, where the concept of Gross National Happiness shapes the planning process.这一观点已经渗入政治领域,不丹首创了国民幸福总值(GNH)的概念。

2.From a fuzzy feel- good collection of values , GNH is evolving into a serious index with real measurements of happiness .GNH已经从一个模糊的“感觉好”的标准发展成为一系列,由多个可量化衡量工具组成的指标体系。

3.Even before we convened, Bhutan was creating a measure of GNH, or gross national happiness, and Thailand was working on its own index.甚至在我们召集会议之前,不丹就在创造一种国民幸福总值(GNH)指标,泰国也在致力于自己的指数。

4.If GNH is really important then International Jourpsts must be allowed to write the Butan news freely.如果国民幸福指数真的重要,外国记者就该被允许自由报道不丹的新闻。

5.All new popcies have to have a GNH assessment, similar to the environmental-impact assessment common in other countries.所有的新政必须通过国民幸福指数评估,这种评估类似于在其他国家常见的环境评估。

6.Some people may ask, "why all this fuss against GNH now? "有些人也许会问:「为何现在忙着反对国民幸福总值?」

7.Upon being named king of Bhutan, Jigme Singye Wangchuck declares his aim is not to increase GDP, but GNH -- "gross national happiness. "1972年:时为不丹国王的晋美桑给.旺秋宣称其国家目标不是追求GDP的增长,而是GNH,即国民幸福指数的提高。

8.GNH Commission secretary Tsheetim says the Gross National Happiness paradigm offers an alternative approach to development.全民幸福总值委员会书记格马说,全民幸福总值衡量标准提供了另一种发展方式。

9.Bhutan has gotten increasingly serious about its system of GNH over the years.这些年来,不丹政府对于GNH体系的投入不断增加。

10.And there are 40 countries around the world today that are actually studying their own GNH.这个世界上有40个国家正在研究他们自己的GNH。