




1.心之海 ... 秦时明月石兰 arago 心之海 re-take 千影 blood+ ...

2.完结 ... EDEN 伊甸园[完结] RE-TAKE [完结] Eight [完结] ...

3.岛津义弘[42:11]: 岛津义弘(RE-TAKE) 杀死 前田庆次(n1414212) [42:22]: 岛津义弘(RE-TAKE) 杀死 宇喜多秀家(KinG7896)基于1个网页- …

4.真心为你    ↘旧剧场版25/26-Air/真心为你(→Re-take)


1.Tsukamoto said: "The venture will be well prepared to re-take various measures. "ChinaDailyLetterLin)冢本说:“将做好重新创业的心理准备,采取各种措施。”

2.Not allowed to re- take after you , and if you found him and I divorce you !以后不允许你们再来往,如果再发现你还和他联系,我就和你离婚!

3.He did well to re-take the penalty, it brought him back into the game and the entire team took advantage of that.他做得很好,重新罚进了点球,这使他找回了比赛的感觉和自信,整支球队都因此受益。

4.This time, Zhang Dong Pan and several colleagues who decided to re-take the road that year Expeditionary Force.这一次,章东磐和几位同行者决定重走当年远征军之路。

5.Testing Requirements : You may wish to re-take the SAT or TOEFL if you are unsatisfied with your current scores.考试成绩要求:如果对目前的SAT,TOEFL成绩不满意,你可能希望重新考试一次。

6.Candidates MUST NOT attempt to re-take the IELTS test at any center within 90 days.考生在任何考点再次报考,间隔时间都不得少于90天。

7.Investigators with the Brevik re-take the shot pne, roughly again, several times during the handcuffed him shackled.调查人员随布雷维克把枪击路线大致重走一遍,期间数次给他戴上手铐脚镣。

8.You may re-take SAT exams, compile your resume, popsh your personal essay, apply for scholarships, and finally submit your apppcations.您可能要重新参加SAT考试,完成您的简历,润色您的个人文章,申请奖学金并最终上交您的申请。

9.A week ago the government tried re-take the city.一周前,政府企图夺回该城。

10.But not to the failure of one or two in mind, the loss of confidence in themselves, to re-take heart, attack a new target!但也不要为一两次的失败而牢记在心,对自己丧失了信心,要重新振作起来,进攻新的目标!