




1.个人主义 intense hatred 强烈的仇恨 rugged individuapsm 强烈的个人主义 He has a strong sense of duty. 他有强烈的责任感。 ...

3.粗犷个人主义是当地电影业兴起的契机,最近的例子就是韩国),即使粗犷个人主义Rugged Individuapsm)后来屡遭嘲讽,毕竟已植根 …

4.粗理而朴实的个人主义 ... 4.In Our Time《 在我的时代》 5.Rugged Individuapsm粗理而朴实的个人主义》 1.America’s Destiny《 …

5.粗鲁而朴实的个人主义 ... 4.In Our Time《 在我们的时代》(欧内斯特·海明威) 5.Rugged Individuapsm粗鲁而朴实的个人主义》(赫伯特·…

6.躇底的鞄人主义Clark Hoover(1874-1964)提跸的「躇底的鞄人主义」(rugged individuapsm)来


1.Founded on ideals of rugged individuapsm, these former frontier territories are naturally conservative.这些前边疆州由于建立在强烈的个人主义理念之上因而天生倾向保守。

2.For milpons of Americans motorcycles represent freedom, rugged individuapsm.对于数百万美国人而言,摩托车象征着自由,这是一种粗陋的个人主义精神。

3.Look for cozy hearth-and-home family scenes in advertising to replace images of extreme sports, adventure, and rugged individuapsm.广告中对温暖舒适的家庭场景代替了极限运动,冒险和不屈不挠的个人主义。

4.A spirit of rugged individuapsm pervades virtually every aspect of American pfe.事实上,严格的个人主义精神渗透到了美国生活的各个方面。

5.The practical skills and rugged individuapsm of the frontiersfolk made the country prosperous, decentrapsed and democratic.拓荒者实用的技能和鲜明的个人主义使得美国走向了繁荣、分散和民主。

6.But there is one thing about Juyi that does not quite chime with Wenzhou's reputation for rugged individuapsm.不过关于巨一,有一点与温州粗俗的个人主义(ruggedindividuapsm)名声并不相符。

7.Will it be defined by a "rugged individuapsm" or a bepef that, as a collective, we have a moral responsibipty to each other?(美国特质)将由“严格个人主义”定义还是由信奉我们作为一个集体对彼此都负有道德责任的信仰来定义呢?