




1.生物土壤结皮 ... ) biological soil crust 生物结皮 ) biological soil crusts 生物结皮 ) biotic crust 生物结皮 ...


1.Biological soil crusts are important measures for controlpng erosion in desertified areas.生物结皮是目前防沙治沙的一种重要措施。

2.Effects of two types of biological soil crusts on the germination of desert vascular plants under laboratory conditions实验室条件下两种生物土壤结皮对荒漠植物种子萌发的影响

3.Characteristics of Biological Soil Crusts During Vegetation Restoration of Abandoned Lands in Hill and Gully Region of Loess Plateau黄土丘陵沟壑区退耕地植被恢复中生物土壤结皮特征

4.A Study of Biological Soil Crusts: Recent Development, Trend and Prospect生物土壤结皮研究:进展、前沿与展望

5.Effects and Ecological Significance of Soil-inhabiting Microorganisms in the Formation of Biological Soil Crusts土壤微生物在生物结皮形成中的作用及生态学意义

6.Distribution influencing factors and monitoring of biological soil crusts生物土壤结皮的分布影响因子及其监测

7.Biological Soil Crusts: A Significant Food Source for Insects in the Arid Desert Ecosystems生物土壤结皮:荒漠昆虫食物链的重要构建者

8.Review on the influences of biological soil crusts on soil and vegetation in desertified areas生物结皮对荒漠地区土壤及植物的影响研究述评

9.Present Study on Biological Soil Crusts in Abroad Deserts沙漠生物土壤结皮国外研究概况

10.Present Study on Biological Soil Crusts in China沙漠生物结皮国内研究现状