




1.玩具枪 ... 1377 Toy Cars 2 玩具车 1378 Toy Guns 2 玩具枪 1379 Toy Stocks 2 库存玩具 ...


1.Just as today's kids imitate adults by playing with toy guns and toy airplanes, Chinese children quickly began flying kites.正如今天的孩子玩玩具枪、玩具飞机来模仿大人,中国儿童很快学会了放风筝。

2.Ramallah, West Bank, June 16, 2009--A young Palestinian refugee in the Al-Amari camp fpnches as other boys point toy guns at him.2009年6月16日,约旦河西岸,拉马拉---在阿尔阿马里难民营一名幼年难民在其他男孩用玩具枪指着他时蜷缩一团。

3.Boys should be allowed to play with toy guns at nursery school, says the British government.英国政府表示,托儿所应允许男孩玩玩具枪。

4.Asked why Playmobil makes any tiny toy guns at all, Mrs Schauer admits "otherwise, we probably wouldn't be accepted by boys. "当问到Playmobil为何还是制造了小型玩具枪时,Schauer夫人承认道,“否则男孩可能就完全不接受我们这个品牌了。”

5.Arms and explosive Bullet-Proof clothing, toy guns, pistols, revolvers.武器和爆炸防弹服,玩具枪,手枪,左轮手枪。

6.Like other boys, he pked toy guns and books, and showed an interest in archaeology.他跟其他男孩子一样,喜欢玩具枪,爱看书,对考古感兴趣。

7.Objective To analyse childrens ocular trauma caused by plastic bullets of the toy guns.目的分析玩具枪塑料子弹所致儿童眼外伤的原因,治疗方法及预防措施。

8.Father: No, but I see them playing at war and they all want toy guns and weapons.父亲:没有,但是我看到他们在玩战争游戏,而且他们都要玩具手枪和武器。

9.It warned that school staff find boys' play, such as wielding toy guns, 'particularly challenging and difficult'.研究警告说,教职人员认为像玩玩具枪这种男孩游戏“特别具有挑战性和难度”。

10.Exp: They are playing war games with toy guns and toy tanks.他们正在用玩具枪和玩具坦克玩战争游戏。