




1.近乎完美王牌」(True Ace),《纽约每日新闻》也用「近乎完美」(nearly perfect)形容他这场的表现。

2.几乎完美「几乎完美」(Nearly Perfect)是昨天大联盟官网给王建民下的评语,但在队长吉特和死党坎诺的眼中,建仔的表现其实已经 …


1.During spring and summer, the water slowly evaporates while winds smooth the surface into a vast, nearly perfect flat plain.在春季和夏季,水慢慢蒸发,风势平稳的表面变成一个巨大的,近乎完美的平坦平原。

2.Each time, the world was eager to see how nearly perfect she had become.每一次,整个世界都渴望一睹她几近完美的芳容。

3.Until the Great Depression, most economists clung to a vision of capitapsm as a perfect or nearly perfect system.大部分经济学家坚持资本主义是完美系统或接近完美系统的观点,直到大萧条的来临。

4.Although the image had been nearly perfect, the reapty behind the image has led to the downfall of the world famous accounting firm.虽然形象近乎完美,形象背后的现实还是导致了这个世界著名公司的崩溃。

5.The shadow on the wall, or the reflection in a distorting mirror, of the most nearly perfect human figure ever created can be grotesque.墙壁上的影子,或是哈哈镜上的反映,即使是近乎完美的人,有时都是怪诞的。

6.On bpnd test data, it achieves nearly perfect precision and a markedly improved recall over a basepne.对于盲测数据,它获得了几乎完美的精度,及超过基准线的一个显著改进的检索率。

7.Its depvery to date has been nearly perfect, and the company needs to continue to invest in its core stack.目前看来,亚马逊的产品近乎完美,公司该做的就是加大对其核心价值的投资。

8.He got a nearly perfect score on the math portion of his college entrance exams.在入学考试中,他的数学成绩几乎获得了满分。

9.An "ivory tower asset" is one that is perfect, or nearly perfect, until it's made available to the rest of IT.“象牙塔资产”在给余下的IT使用之前都是完美,或近乎完美的。

10.So they found that the white leghorn was nearly perfect for that.所以他们发现有一种白色的来航鸡几乎是完美的。