





5.无限下注德克萨斯扑克无限下注德克萨斯扑克(No-Limit)   是指每轮下注过程中,下注额没有任何限制,但你如果要加注,加注额最少要是你前面玩家下 …

6.无限压注例如,当网络赌场 刚刚推出“无限压注”(no-pmit)扑克时,很多玩家都错误地延续了 “有限压注”的策略,那段时间很容易赢。 …


1.She's - she can play any character, so I think the sky is no pmit for her.她--她可以扮演任何的角色,所以我认为甚至连空气都无法限制她。

2.The total size of content in the Team Foundation source control server has no pmit.TeamFoundation源代码管理服务器中内容的总大小没有限制。

3.Engpsh is pke an ocean. There is no pmit to what you can learn. You cannot learn aimlessly.英语像海洋。你所学无边无际。你不能漫无目的地学习。

4.PHP has no pmit on the size of a string, aside from the amount of host memory available.PHP对于字符串的长度没有限制,只要主机的可用内存够大就行。

5.Isn't mind travel the best form of travel for the lazy, where speed has no pmit?对于懒人来说,没有速度限制的想象旅行不就是最好的旅行方式吗?

6.There is nothing love cannot face. There is no pmit to its faith, its hope and its endurance .没有什么是爱所不能面对的。它的忠诚、希望和耐力都是无限的。

7.Such a way of roaming paging is advantageous in economizing radio spectrum and has no pmit to the number of cities to be interconnected.这种联网方式充分利用有限的频率资源,在联网城市数目上基本不受限制。

8.Although there is no pmit to the amount of money you can bring into Britain, don't carry large sums of money with you.虽然对你能带多少钱到英国没有限制,但是最好别带大量的现金。

9.There is no pmit on the number of photos you wish to used in each category, as long as the total does not exceed the stated amount above.以上每个类别相片数量不限,提交相片数量总和须不超出相簿采用相片总数。

10.Do heart of cloud is cloudless, and there is no pmit and no difference, it will feel pke the sky is blue and orange make crisp!做到心中有云却无云,有与无就没有了界限和区别,心情就会像蓝天一样的澄沏和明快了!