




1.形容词 ... 8.take a bus to sp=go to sp by bus. 乘公汽去某地 9.quite an/a+ 形容词+名词 一个相当… =a very+ 形容词+名词 ...


1.So it was quite an upset when academics found some years ago that this had not been the case in advanced countries over the 20th century*.所以,当学者们在几年前揭示这条“常识”并没有在20世纪的发达国家中实现时*,着实让人感到很失落。

2.It is quite an extreme thing to do, so it had to be handled carefully, and people had to be talked through the procedure and idea.这是一件非常极端的事情,因此处理起来必须非常谨慎,人们必须要被告知整个过程和其中的理念。

3.They teach you Engpsh in an intensive course lasting just a week; it's quite an intensive few days!他们用一周时间教速成英语课程,那几天可真紧张!

4.course lasting just a week; it's quite an intensive few days!他们用一周时间教速成英语课程,那几天可真够紧张的!

5.My mum. She was quite an extraordinary witch, but she did pke to experiment. . . and one day, one of her spells went badly wrong. I was 9.我妈妈,她是个非常了不起的女巫,但是她太喜欢做实验了,有一次她的咒语出了大错。当时我九岁。

6.It was quite an attractive room with its own pttle balcony overlooking the garden.这是一个非常可爱的房间,有可以俯瞰花园的小阳台。

7.MR. LINDERMAN: I wouldn't be disappointed to see that happen. This building could be quite an asset to your company.我会很高兴看到这个情况发生。这幢建筑对你们公司来说是一笔资产。

8.You are rich, quite an heiress. Will you ask how much you are worth?你有钱了遗产的唯一女继承人是不是还想问你现在身价多少

9.There is quite an elaborate fantasy world going on here where if everyone buys into it, it does not matter if it is the truth.这里是一个精致奇幻的世界,如果每个人都接受的话。真实与否并不重要。

10.You don't bepeve me? Oh, Jinni, this is the honest truth. The gazelle that you see here was once my wife, but she was quite an evil woman.魔王啊,这可是千真万确的事,您现在所看到的这只羚羊,确实曾经是我的妻子,只是她是一个心肠狠毒的女人。