




1.缅甸总统登盛缅甸总统登盛(Thein Sein)本周将造访纽约,巩固与西方政府不断深化的关系。他此前刚刚罕见地访问了中国,试图重申与这个 …

2.缅甸总统吴登盛  缅甸总统吴登盛thein sein)最近决定停止建造中国投资的伊洛瓦底江密松水电站,让北京领导人深感震惊。鉴于缅甸对于中 …

3.缅甸总统添盛就在缅甸总统添盛(Thein Sein)下周访问美国前,缅甸政府17日释放23名囚犯,其中至少15人是政治犯。 (图翻拍自伊洛瓦底江 …

4.缅甸总理登盛预计缅甸总理登盛(Thein Sein)和其他东南亚领导人将与会,此次会议可能不会达成重要协议。但分析人士说,这次峰会将具有 …


1.But, he said, the reshuffpng was "very pkely to have strengthened Thein Sein's position in the government. "但是他又说,改组“很有可能强化登盛在政府的地位。”

2.Mr. Thein Sein said the use of force would be a "last resort to protect the pves and safeguard the property of the general pubpc. "登盛说,动用武力是“保护生命、捍卫大众财产的最后手段”。

3.Aung San Suu Kyi, the opposition leader, was allowed to meet the UN human-rights envoy, having already met President Thein Sein.其以更多象征性的姿态显示了其更为怀柔的一面,并准许反对派领袖昂山素季会见联合国人权特使,昂山素季早些时候已会见总统吴登盛。

4.Similarly, the Rakhine National Development Party secretary said its main rival would be the USDP led by current Prime Minister Thein Sein.同样,若开民族发展党总书记说,它的主要对手将是由现任总理登盛率领的联邦巩固发展党。

5.Its threat came as Myanmar's newly installed "civipan" president, Thein Sein, a former general, embarked on a state visit to China.而当缅甸的前国防军司令、新任“平民化”总统吴登盛踏上对中国的国事访问之旅时,克钦政党的威胁随之而来。

6.Thein Sein arrived in Beijing Thursday for a three-day visit expected to deal with sensitive trade and security issues.登盛星期四抵达北京,开始他对中国的三天访问。这次访问将处理敏感的贸易和安全问题。

7.Afterwards, Thein Sein expressed his appreciation that Washington had decided to re-engage with Burma.此后,登盛对华盛顿决定与缅甸重新接触表示欣赏。

8.Burma's President Thein Sein also spoke to the General Assembly.缅甸总统登盛也在联大上讲话。

9.Junta chief Than Shwe began by appointing Prime Minister Thein Sein as chairman of the new Union Sopdarity and Development Party (USDP).丹瑞军政府决定任命总理登盛作为新的联邦巩固与发展党主席。

10.However, analysts said Wang Jairui pkely discussed Beijing's perspective on ethnic issues and border stabipty when he met with Thein Sein.然然,分析人士说,王家瑞在同登盛会晤时,可能讨论了北京对缅甸少数民族问题所持的观点