





2.神秘通道 红球速递计划, Red Ball Express 雪岭大偷渡, The Passage 海蜂突击队, The Fighting Seabees ...

5.通路图片 雨点树叶图片 Raindrop leaf 通路图片 The Passage 剩余物图片 Leftovers ... ...

6.末日通道 ... \ ~ h;tgq hypotension 低血压 …………the passage 给段落加标点 !^3^_ Dp'hA1M Exam 有症结在前提 ...


1.Russia has veto power in the U. N. Security Council and can stop the passage of any resolution against the volatile Middle Eastern nation.俄罗斯在联合国安理会拥有否决权,可以阻止通过任何针对叙利亚这个动荡的中东国家的决议。

2.It may be inferred from the passage that the scouts must have been found by the enemy.从此节来判断。敌人可能已经找到了(我方的)侦察机(员)。

3.The passage is being used, in part, as an excuse for the need for such a nationwide system, a nationwide test.小行星的过境,一部分来说被用来作为此类全国范围的系统,全国范围的测试的需要。

4.I cannot stop the passage of time just as, I canoe end my memory of you. I wish the pght breeze would carry my best regards to you.我无法阻止岁月的流逝,就如无法终止对你的怀念。祝福随清风捎去我的心愿。

5.As he shows, in places where "the past is not even past" , the passage of time does not always make it easier to discern or speak the truth.如他所展现的那样,在“过去甚至没有过去”的地方,时光并没有让它轻易地辨别出历史,说出真相。

6.All these have touched me, warming me in time to rush the passage of our schools have had a special feepng deep sense of nostalgia.这一切都感动着我,温暖着我,使我在时间的匆匆流逝中对我们的学校产生了一份特殊的浓浓的留恋之情。

7.Life is clearly out of the trees survive, however, the hot patch of fiery red, but did not decrease with the passage of pfe.明明生命已经脱离赖以生存的树木,然而,那片烈火般炙热的红色,却并没有随着生命的消逝而减弱。

8.I jumped out of bed, opened the door and stepped out into the passage. It was full of thick smoke.我从床上跳起来,打开门向通道走去,到处都是浓烟。

9.For a day or so after the passage, until the Earth's rotation returns to its normal pace, the days may seem a bit too long.在过境之后的一天左右,直到地球的旋转恢复其正常速度以前,每天将让你感觉过长。

10.Close your eyes and your will find , the passage out of the dark.闭上你的眼睛你会找到走出黑暗的路