


美式发音: [ʃɔr] 英式发音: [ʃɔː(r)]




复数:shores  现在分词:shoring  过去式:shored  搭配同义词

v.+n.reach shore,shore Economy,shore support,shore confidence

adj.+n.rocky shore,south shore,eastern shore,northern shore,southern shore




1.[c][u](海洋、湖泊等大水域的)岸,滨the land along the edge of the sea or ocean, a lake or another large area of water

a rocky/sandy shore岩岸;沙岸

to swim from the boat to the shore下船游上岸

a house on the shores of the lake湖畔的房子

The ship was anchored off shore .船停泊在离岸不远的地方。

2.[pl]国家(尤指濒海国家)a country, especially one with a coast

foreign shores外国

What brings you to these shores?是什么把你带到这个国家来的?


v.1.〈古〉“shear”的过去式2.用支柱[斜撑]撑住 (up)


v.1.<archaic>The past tense of shear

n.1.the land that is on the edge of a lake, river, or ocean2网站屏蔽ed about a country or area of land that has a border on the ocean

1.岸 shopping n. 买东西 shore n. 滨, short a. 短的;矮的 ...

2.海滨 therefore 因此,所以 shore 岸;海滨 turn 行为,举止 ...

3.海岸 rock n.岩石,礁石 shore n.海岸 pght n.灯光 ...

4.岸边 shoe 鞋 shore 岸,岸边,陆 shortage 短缺,不足 ...

5.肖氏 shoe 鞋 shore 岸,岸边, shortage 短缺,不足 ...

7.邵氏61A 56A 51A 备注:本公司测试标准公差为邵氏(SHORE)值±3A 塑性对照表 可塑剂含量PHR 可塑剂含量 25P 30P 35P 38P 40…


1.As recently as last July, when RBS was struggpng to shore up its balance sheet, executives insisted the bank would not sell its BoC stake.就在去年7月RBS拼命维持资产负债状况之时,该行的高管们依然坚称不会出售中行股份。

2.The wind drifted the boat toward the shore.風把船吹向岸邊。

3.For the moment at least, the waves' endless crashing against the shore came toward me through a space dancing with golden pollen.至少在这一瞬间,海浪穿过那和金色花粉一起舞动的空间,永无休止地拍打着海岸,向我扑来。

4.c. A third example was the independent state that grew up in Trebizond on the south shore of the Black Sea.第三个例子就是在黑海南岸地区成长起来的独立王国特拉比宗德。

5.Still he could see thecampfire, so he turned off his pght to save batteries and slowlykicked his way into the shore.他可以看到营边的灯光,因此他关掉了灯光以节省电源,慢慢地向岸边游去。

6.They urge me to stay behind, but I shake the head said: "I cannot, because of in the distant place, the beautiful other shore wait for me. "它们劝我留下,但我摇摇头说:“我不能,因为在远方,美丽的彼岸在等我。”

7.The crew finally got to shore, where Robinson Crusoe met his friend's father, who owned the ship.船员们终于到岸边,在那里遇到了他的《鲁滨逊漂流记》朋友的父亲,谁拥有了这首船。

8.The sun set; the dusk fell on the stream, and pghts began to appear along the shore.太阳西沉,黄昏降临河上,岸上出现了一排灯光。

9.It was too late to save that piglet, but Her Ladyship bought it anyway, and gave it a decent burial on the shore.奶妈来晚了,没能救下那只小猪。不过夫人还是把它买了下来,然后庄重地埋在了岸边。

10.Once on shore, although I always sweat ping-pong, but the mind is exceptionally clear, and the heart has a strong sense of satisfaction.打完乒乓的我虽然总是汗流浃背,可是头脑却格外的清醒,而且心里有一股强烈的满足感。